Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Week 20/21: Two for the price of one.

Friday, June 01, 2007

Today I am in a blue kind of mood. For the past couple of days, I have just been in a funk. I've been having an "Everything I do sucks - I haven't had an original idea since 1998 - I should be an accountant - Life would be easier if I didn't know what good taste was!" kind of week. And an undying urge to lay face down on the floor. The fact that I re-wrote this paragraph 5 times and it's still not any good is proof I'm sucking out loud.

But I think, like a love of all things pretty, doubting my talent, life, funniness and decision to buy these pants is in my blood. And the most common thing about me is that I do get blue.

So excuse me if the rest of this rant sucks or is sub par. I really need to stop listening to Snow Patrol - maybe that would help. And definitely no Death Cab. I'm going to try, try, try to get through this remembering most of everything that is new since last time. THANK YOU to everyone who I spoke to that read this. Your awesome. Bare with me.

Sunday, 5/21/07: Bellefonte Spring Festival, Karak.

Every year in our fine little town, we have a spring festival. It's incredibly cute. Maybe because it's not surrounded by coal banks and the water isn't orange.

Tussy Mountain Outfitters has a kayak/canoe demo and this year got in line with all the other Bellefoutians and tried on out. It only took me 3 summers to do so. It was really awesome.

Let me say that we have a canoe that has gotten minimal use in the past year sadly.

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Also, at the risk of making this blog too long, let me tell you a story. Troy and I went to Black Mo last year to kayak. We went all the way out to end to check out a beaver den that was long past dormant. The lily pads there are thick and expansive. Little path ways are carved through the patches that are sometimes very narrow. Maneuvering is sometimes a pain, especially when you have two very head strong people paddling. I was captain that day and was yelling back to Troy which way to paddle so we could get through the mess. He was totally not listening to me. Not even a little bit. After we cleared the patch I asked him about it, totally not wanting to get into a fight in the middle of a lake with snapping turtles and muskies and having to swim to shore. He just said very calmly something like, "I heard you but I wanted to do it my way." I almost freaked out and jumped out of the canoe. We worked it out, but it was that day, as other kayak couple glided past us as we huffed and puffed to get throught the muck, that I decided unconsciously that the canoe just wasn't for me.

Back to this year. I took a kayak for a ride from Tallyrand to Reynold's park, scaring the crap out of a duck on my way. It was serene and peaceful and nice not to have to worry about someone else.

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Ofcourse Troy had an orange kayak to match his color scheme of red/orange.

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The after glow.

Before the festival began we were doing laundry across the street. It's baby duck time and a little troupe of seven were hanging out with their family next to us. Troy crouched down to take a picture and the mom brought all 7 ducks up to Troy to check him out. They were probably 1 foot away. I wish I had a picture of Troy taking the picture.

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Not to be racist, here is a picture of the gooslings. The parents will totally kill you if you get close.

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At the end of the festival they release a bunch of Palamino's into Spring Creek and all the kids freak out and scream when Gene Stocker (that great great guy) let them pet the newly transplanted fish. All I could think about was how the oils on your hands burn the shit out of fish's skin. God bless fishies!

Thursday, 5/24/07: YMCA: Rock Wall.

Carla texted me in the morning and asked if I wanted to try to climb a rock wall. I hesitated for a sec but then jumped at the chance. I HATE HEIGHTS. I freak out. Not a normal freak out. A "check me passing out" freak out.

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The shoes suck and they pinched my toes badly. Besides the fact that I have big feet and didn't want it advertised on the side. The harness is a disaster for anyone with a can of any size. I had no idea what to where. I don't know if I succeeded in looking cute, but it's not bad. I thought I looked much thinner than I felt.

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Going up was pretty good. Our instructor was awesome and a real neat guy. He liked to talk and I was grateful for it. He's in the red shirt.

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I thought I would only be thinking of Real World/Road Rules Gauntlet when I was climbing, but it turned out the only thing I thought about was kicking the walls ass and not looking like a total douchebag in front of 2 dozen people.

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This is me coming down. Once I got up there the fear set in terribly. It felt like forever. I just decided to stop being a candy ass and go for it. Our instructor really helped to calm me down. As did Carla and Le Le who shouted up to me. Here is me looking non too pleased.

Carla went next. She is part monkey. This is her an Le Le scaling two connecting walls.

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We had a time trial and Carla kicked my ass (40 seconds compared to 45). Here are pics of both of us trying to scale the 15 degree wall. We didn't make it far. It was all proof that I need to get back to the gym.

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Thanks Carla. You rock!!!!

Saturday, 5/26/07: Hometown: Block Party/Romans.

We drove home for one day just to go to the Goodwill block party. One of by best memories is walking with my girlfriends when we were in junior high and dumb. They have the best bean soup/halushki/perogies going. The beer is not cheap but it is cold.

This year Greg, a good friend of Tre's from High School came home (thank god) and we (Tre, Troy, Liz, me) met up with Regina and Shannon at the Block Party and then on to Romans.

I saw some old friends, one of which is Kurtis and his wife. It's literally been like 10 years since I saw Kurtis, Greg and Shannon. Literally. And that just makes me really sad. Parly because it's been that long since I talked to friends. But mostly because Kurtis still looks the same. This did not help my absolute disgust/hatred/phobia of being 28. It made it worse. Much worse.

We started at Liz's!

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Then the block party!

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How I look so short in the photo, I have no clue.

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We all believe in diversity.

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Took a ride.

And then danced. A lot. And drank. A lot.

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I don't want to share to much. We all look a hot mess. Everybody was a hot mess. I remember less and less.

Here is the photo album. Enjoy it. I also posted some to my flickr page (with captions) but I moved them here. I am having the hardest time uploading photos to myspace. It hates me for sure.

Thanks to Greg and Regina for being awesome dance partners. Thanks as well to Greg for being Troy's date. He's scared of the ladies. Thanks to Liz and Tre for showing us a good time. Thanks to "Temple 3 Degree" for laying all that personal history on me. It was great to act like a total fool again. You guys are all awesome and the only thing that I miss about home. That and the food.

Random days in the past two weeks.

I haven't really been cooking/baking that much lately and, other than what I posted, not leaving town either. I've been spending a lot of time at the Garage with Troy working on the truck. You can check out his blog to get a better idea of what is going on, but here is my contribution. This means that I get to drive it when it's done.

First, here is the dashboard after I totally ripped it a new a-hole sanding it. It looks really good up close.

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This is Troy showing me how to sand.

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Before sanding/painting.

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This is it after sanding/installation.

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I painted this. It's the gas/battery gauge.

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This little part is the totally awesomist part of the truck. It pops open the vent, which is the only ventilation the truck has.

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I installed it and painted it. Here it is in action.

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Pull this, push up that.

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I've also been grinding the hell out of the bed, but I'll save that until next week when I'm done sweating my can off getting it done.

Alright. I'm done. This one has been long. LONG. Info overload. Thanks for chilling with me for a sec (or longer. this sucker was too long.). Fingers crossed I'm not throwing punches at the sky next week and I have something kick ass to go on about.

Rock on guys and dolls.

Week 19 - Renovations and other tales of kicking ass.

Monday, May 14, 2007

I may have done other things this past week, but the only thing that I remember is kicking this bathrooms ass. Some of you might know that I'm helping my pop-pop Teddy by slowing renovating things that he would like done. We've done the kitchen and downstairs powder room and he has us scheduled to paint the living room ceiling this fall. Also, he wants Troy to nail a stray nail in the gutter, remove/replace some asbestos siding and paint the 20+ foot close-line poll (I think he's going to have to stand on my shoulders. He's tall, but damn, not that tall).

Oh, Pop-pop, why the fuck not. Your awesome. He's one of my most favoritest people ever, and since my mom is gone, my sister's (primarily) and mine main concern. He's old and can't really see dirt anymore (hahahahahahahaha), but the best and I would gladly do it all over to make him happy.

Anywhat, here is a photo diary of what went down.

Friday, 3/4/07 - Monday, 3/7/07: Home, Pa: Bathroom Renovation.

We started this renovation like we start all of them: with the best of intentions, hoping for the worst but planning for the best & absolutely no concept of the time involved. I think that if it wasn't for the floor we would have gotten done by Troy's lofty goal on afternoon Sunday.

The renovation started early Saturday morning around 7:30. It was 70+ degress with plenty of sun. We were optimistic.For more photos of the whole process, and a detailed and somewhat entertaining tale of the process, go to my flickr page.

The before:

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I know, cute! I love this bathroom and I really loved the floor that is in this photo. It was very George Jetson - white with pink and blue squares. All gone now. The whole thing was 50s all the way.

After we ripped the hell out of the bathroom, this is what we were left with. The contractor who put in the sink and the toilet about 12 years ago was a prick and cut the hell out of the floor. The area below was cut into 15 pieces when it should have been 3. This is when we understood the full gravity of how much our weekend was going to suck.

We could have done the floor in a easier way: dropping new sub floor and laying linoleum like in the kitchen. But linoleum sucks and the glue to hold it down with is maddening. Maddening!!!

We went the route of adding new planks. The bathroom is only 5x9. How long could it take? Forever is the answer.

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(You can see where the original toilet was attached to the wall. Awesome!) There was 3 layers of wallpaper on the walls (one was linen! one was Oriental!) and luckily it all came off easily. Atleast one layer dates to 1929.

Sanding. I'm pretty sure if I end up in hell, it will be on sanding duty. Going to the gyno is way more fun. I would still rather sand than have a baby, if that tells you what my priorities are.

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My boogies were black despite the dust mask.

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I'm not afraid of color and I really wanted a yellow room. This is called Buttered Toast, but it is more sunshine than country crock.

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We also added wainscotting. This was another circle of hell, but we are way better at it after using it on the 12x13 kitchen that we did last year.

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My brother, bless his heart, helped the best that an 11 year-old can do. He's going to be chubby like his sisters until puberty is over.

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This photo of the floor is deceiving. You can't tell that the nails that they use are old, steel and a million inches long. You also can't tell how the boards go under the wall 2 inches. Nor that this is right over the kitchen table that we could have landed on at any time. My klutz gene must have taken a break for the weekend and I didn't fall once, although I did scrape my arm nastily while trying to pull up a board.

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We could only take up 3-5 boards at a time so that we still had something to stand/kneel/rest the very-fucking-heavy-antique-claw foot tub. Yikes. This is the beginning of the floor switch.

Another major problem was that the floors in the house were all layed at the same time. This is a half-double in a mining town. All the houses on the block look the same, but are slightly different. I guess it's an old-time sub-division. But not shitty with yuppies.

Point being that the floors run across the span of the house, under ways and doors. This means that we had to do something of a hatchet job cutting the wood to install the new stuff. This included installing another joist. I'm positive that we needed a building permit for this kind of work, but fuck them. My hometown is corrupt and our money wasn't going to be stolen by the treasurer of the borough. It was going for Pizza and KFC.

Here is our new joist. I always wanted to use a joist hanger. I have now.

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The next joist is probably under my heal. This supports both the new and old boards and saves someone from the excitement onto falling into the kitchen sink.

Here is the finished floor minus the toilet. Even though it looks like we're almost done, that is not so. We still have about hours of painting, installing and hooking up. You'll notice the toilet is still chilling in the backyard.

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Tre, thank jebus, helped me paint while Troy cleaned up and pulled nails out of the old boards. Here is a nail. These are a son of a bitch to pull out and only proved to me that my boyfriend is strong and I am weak. And that I love crobars.

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Tre thinks that she's a contractor/foreman. She's missing the pencil behind the ear but she did the work of a dude three times her size. And most importantly, she fed and watered us all weekend and went for trips to Home Depot/Lowe's when I know that she would rather have me punch her in the face instead. Thanks Tre!

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Here is the finished product. I'm going to take more photos when it's all set up. This was about 10 p.m. monday. We worked on it until about 11. Then we left the mess for Tre to clean up while we made the 1 1/2 drive home.

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We stopped for Chili Dogs and Mountain Dew. It helped alot. As did the Gorillaz and Franz Ferdinand.

Here is a comparison again: Just because I'm super fucking proud of all of us:

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This really is enough to show how much work we put in. In just 72 hours with no sleep but full bellies. I didn't get to visit any other family while we were home, but I got to hang out with my brother, sister and Pop-pop and play fetch-antagonize Edie so it ended up being a good time.

And besides, I can't even remember how tired I was nor how much hard work we did. I know that everything was sore and there was an amazing amout of stress and anxiety, but it's nothing when you see how great it turned out.

Ok. So it wasn't anything death defying. And it probably wasn't even that interesting to most of you all. But there are a lot of pretty pictures. (Again, check out flickr for more!)

Til next week: Kiss my Ass!!!!!!!!!!