Monday, January 18, 2010

Day3 - I can read!

If nothing else, I am a magician at finding the best free iPhone apps out there. Recently, I found Stanza, an e-reader that offers you access to hundreds of free classics like Frankenstien and the works of Jane Austin.

I became a big Agatha Christie fan after watching Orient Express during a mystery Sunday on TMC. Even though I don't enjoy mysteries in general (I always read the first page of the last chapter), Poirot is different and I really enjoy the quarks of he little detective.

I think I like him better than Sherlock Holmes, although I'm currently enjoying plowing through an anthology of short stories right now.

I don't know if Stanza is the greatest e-reader out there, but it does he most basic of functions well: I can read in bed, without turning a light on in the middle of bout of insomnia. It also allows me to change the look of the page I'm reading and vary the brightness of the screen. The selection of of books available to download for a fee is also adequate for someone with a stack of eight books waiting in the wings.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Day2 - Dead TV

Sat. Jan. 2, 2010: Erin's house: Dead Like Me

After watching Gus and his best friend Riley fall all over eachother, Erin, Troy and I watched Dead Like Me on netfix.

I had heard of Dead ( and how interesting it was, it's greatness compounded by the fact that it was cancelled prematurely. I really enjoyed the pilot, but found that it reminded me a great deal of one of my favorite shows, the late, great Pushing Daisies.

No wonder - Bryan Fuller created them both! He must be a god to geeks everywhere.

So, I love the show. It was beautiful in the same way that Daisies was: making the best of the inbetween life & death.

Plus! It features Jasmine Guy - and I miss her after the years of "A Different World" reruns in college.

Day1 - Bacon Explosion

Friday Jan. 1, 2010: Charlie's House: Bacon Explosion.

Today, Charlie made the ultimate in bacon/pork amalgamations. It is basically bacon, wrapped in pork, wrapped in bacon. Somehow, he managed to stuff more pork in this very small space.

It was a little bit of magic. Somehow Charlie crammed three pork molecules into every one. I don't believe there is a better way to sum it up.

The only thing that was better than the pork explosion was listening to Ed, Steve and Charlie discuss the what percentage cheese can make other foods better. It was college all over again.

Thanks Charlie! Go Penn State!

The year that was, the year that will be b

It has been well over a year since my last post. So much has happened since then, and I'm certainly not the person now that I was. But that is fine and that is life.

I had so much fun during this year. And just because I didn't finish the blog, doesn't mean that I didn't finish the year strong. I pushed myself til the very end, doing something new everyday.

It was worth it alone for all the photos. Well over one thousand in one year.

I missed writing dearly. I am in no way a Writer with a capital W, but I do make the kids laugh every once in a while. That counts for quite a bit. The downside of this writing is having an audience. I know, woah is me, right? I should be so lucky to have people care.

It was wonderful and terrible at the same time. Bittersweet is the technical term I believe. I am such a deeply private person, it was scary to share that life with strangers.

Plus, I'd be lying if I said that he concept of big brother doesn't freak me out some.

In the beginning, I started this to hang onto my twenties, to make sure I went into my thirties dragging and kicking to the shit out of life. And I did that, and for that I am proud. Although I still strived for the new in 2009, I missed what I did in 2008.

So, where does this leave me? Starting all over again in 2010 - even if I am a little bit slow in the new year so far. To make it that much easier on me, I can do much of this on my iPhone, using apps like twitterific and iBlogger, keeping my ass out of my office chair as much as possible. Yay Jesus Phone!

Anywho, too much talking - not enough new-ing. Enough of the feelings and junk, on to the fun.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Day321 - Magenta wasn't just in Rocky Horror

Sunday, November 16, 2008: Home D: Magento

We had dinner with Cassandra Sotos from Sotos Enterprises, a client, friend and all around interesting person. We went over the back end of the website that Troy and Nick are building for her. Included in it is a back end called Magento. It will help her manage inventory when she is a massive success.

The store front is currently up and you can check it out here, It looks great even though there is a bunch of greeking where actual text should be.

As for Magento… I thought it was pretty robust for open source coding. Not that I have a lot of experience with coding, but of the stuff that Nick and Troy have made me look at, this one is pretty cool and I think that it will serve Cassandra well.

When I asked Troy for the url and if it was ok to post, Troy said, "they can sign up for the fucking newsletter". So, sign up for the fucking newsletter and keep up to date with what Cassandra is selling.

Oh, and if you happen to read this Cassandra, "Good luck. You are awesome!"

Day307 - That's a big box of balls

Sunday, November 2, 2008: Walmart: Pop Corn Balls

Last year, all I wanted after Holloween was a pop corn ball and every place sold out of them before I could get around to getting some. I actually chased some women down in walmart to ask here where the hell she got her boxes (she had 3 in her cart) and then went directly to the skid of lowly balls left. I picked up two 18-pack boxes.


I then saw many other people looking at my cart forlornly throughout the rest of our shopping trip. They, however, did not have the balls (ha!) to ask me where I got mine. The other shoppers just looked kind of sad as memories of childhoood popcorn ball disappointment played behind their eyes.

As a kid, I always wondered "Who the hell wants to eat a popcorn ball?" or worse yet, the dreaded Mary-Jane. No, being too old to enjoy the snickers and milky way, I now love pop corn balls and mary janes. And I have an otherworldly love for Werther Originals that seems to increase with age.

Although my dentist just told me I have to give up all of the above if I want to keep my teeth forever. Proof of my oldness.

Day320 - I will fall less.

Saturday, November 15, 2008: TJ Maxx: Winter Spikes

I am in a furious hunt for a new hoodie. Mine looks like it was chewed my moths and left for dead. I went to TJ Maxx because the last really good hoodie I bought, and subsequently ruined, was from there. I found no hoodie worthy of my destruction, but I did find these.


It is a set of slip on spikes for any flat soled shoe. In theory, this should make me fall down less. Part of the theory is that I will remember to put them on before we leave the house. Recently, I did not remember to put them on and proceeded to fall down a mountain while looking for a Christmas Tree. For those keeping score at home, that would mean that I have fallen 2 of the last 4 years while on the hunt for a tree.