| Week 18 - I need to punch a kitten… not really. Maybe. Current mood: aggravated Well, today I'm a little blue. For many reasons, mostly dumb reasons. I am anxious as well, although I just woke up that way. Weird, I know. It kinda feels like an elephant is sitting on my chest and I just have a feeling of dread. Totally ridiculous.
Also! There is a media firestorm down the street right now. The PSU football players that swarmed onto, and beat the hell out of, some smaller dudes to the point of unconciousness are having there prelim hearing today. Troy and I had to go to prelim. hearings earlier this year to testify against a douchebag that slit the tires of one or our neighbors. It was painfully long for no real outcome. But this explains why all the camera men were just lounging around on the park benches getting tans. I really wish I had my camera. Due process kind of sucks sometimes.
Anywho, onto the show. What have I done!
Saturday, 4/28/07: Move On/Penn State: Kaarma and Phantom Planet
So, even though I felt better last week on Friday, Sat and Sunday I had a hella bad headcold/allergies. It was really painful and I was miserable. But our friend Jason came up to see Phantom Planet, so I sucked it up and went too. It was really just an awesome day.
First, lets talk about Kaarma. It's a new India Restaurant in DT State College on Beaver Ave. I liked it better than the Indian Pavillion on Calder. First reason is because they have a sampler of various Naan breads and they are all awesome. I ate them for 2 days. I got Chicken in some kind of sauce and it was fantastic. I left full and super happy.
Then we walked over to the stage and watched some crappy bands. It was cold because it had rained Friday and some of Saturday. We got bored and a sweet tooth and walked over to the Creamery. On the way the most awesome thing happened.
We were walking past a building and there was a male mallard duck just hanging out on the lawn, standing up and quacking at us as we walked by. This is weird because there isn't really any water anywhere near this duck. And he was just standing, staring and yelling at people that went by (he yelled at the chick behind us as well).
After we ate too much ice cream (Orange Cream for me, very very awesome), we walked back down and I was excited to see if the duck was still there. He wasn't but a very fat bunny rabbit was. Chilling in the same spot! He was laying down and eating grass. How fucking wierd! Really. In the same spot.
I really do believe, and I'm not shitting you on this, that that duck turned into that rabbit. I talked about it for the rest of the night. I am 80% convinced that it was the same animal just shifted into another body. If you could have just seen how the animals were chilling there. They had just a weird "I don't give a shit" attitudes. Maybe I'm projecting or I've watched Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban too much. I don't know. All I know is that I'm happy that I can still totally believe that it's possible to shape shift avians and mammals. I so want it to be true.
I don't have a picture of that duck, but here is a picture of my favorite blond duck and her old man:

We chilled in the Hub for awhile while another crappy band played and I saw this guy. He is some crazy ass donkey that they had in the late 1800's that helped to build Penn State. There is a plaque next to him that gives his bio and also tells of how there was a limestone quarry at the corner of Beaver and Pugh. I don't know what was more impressive, that there was a quarry where there is now a CVS or that they hung onto the bones of this donkey for 100+ years. Maybe if the football players would have thought about that donkey, they wouldn't have kicked that dude's face in.
Phantom Planet was awesome. I really wanted to see them live and I never thought I would. This album is totally one of my most favorites, top 15 atleast, and I listen to it when I'm driving the long drive home to my family.
I wish I had my camera. We stood next to the AV booth and watched them loose their shit when they couldn't figure out how to start the show. PP started off with my favorite "By the Bad" and ended with OC anthem "California". I sang along, snotty nose and all, and got most of the words right. I like that they rearrange most of their songs so that no one is bored. They are very tiny, tiny dudes (both in height and weight. Tiny pants) and if Jason Schwartman was still their drummer I probably would have stalked the stage.
It was great and I had a great great time. Thanks Twest!
Sunday, 4/29/07: Whipple Dam: Picnic
Our upstairs neighbor asked us if we wanted to go on a hike in Huntingdon, but I was unable to breath and we bowed out. Instead we went to Whipple Dam and had a picnic. Troy hadn't been there since 1998 and I had never been. It was a really nice day and a great break from life. We took lots of pictures, some on my new flickr page :http://www.flickr.com/photos/missmade.
Here are a couple shots.

I really like flickr and I could look through other people's albums for hours. I love that you can search by location and camera. That helped me buy my new camera…
Wedneday, 5/2/07: New Camera
So I bought this little guy. I am really bummed that I don't have more pictures from this whole newness thing, mostly because I'm such a visual kind of person.

I wanted a really small digital camera that I could take everywhere & one that is really cheap. It is super on sale right now and I did tons of research. It worked really great - while it worked. Last night I took some of the most awesomist pics of Luke. He was just totally hanging out on my leg, chilling and posing for the camera. The fucker is awesome. This morning I woke up and the thing would not turn on.
Here is a different pic of Luke, taken with the camera the day before:

At all. I charged it and it is still denying me. Worst of all, the super great pictures of luke are still on it. I could punch a kitten.
This is part of the reason that I'm blue. Besides that, Gilmore Girls was canceled yesterday. That totally sucks and I'm both pissed and bummed out. I watche it religiously every Tuesday night and it's part (a very large part) of the reason why we have a Tivo. So, if Veronica Mars and Scrubs get canceled (real possibilities for both) I will be on suicide watch. No, I won't be that bad, but I'm going to be in a salty mood. Very salty - probably clear through into September. Fucking CW. I may boycott - even if it means passing up ANTM. Screw Tyra and the Pussycat dolls. I blame them as well.
Well, I think that you can see I'm having mood swings. Bodes well for the weekend - Good Luck Troy! I'm going to get back to work now and freak to the point of almost having a stroke, wondering what Amazon is thinking about, when my camera replacement is coming and what I should watch next fall. That should help with the anxiety.
I'm going to check out cuteoverload.com/ too. Maybe watching videos of small animals will help.
Random photo - This is a picture of the Mourning Dove that has been shacking up on my back porch. She is lovely and makes be feel really stupid for getting bent out of shape for nothing.
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