| I hate procrastinating with this thing because my memory is so crappy sometimes. I'm going to do my best to make this rock.
Saturday 4/21/07: Dog Park: Nature doesn't always like me.
There is only one thing that as much as my family and that is friends. So I was lucky to have both my sister and Gayle visit. It was fantastic.
Tre brought up Edie and Gayle had her new puppy Beasley. Beasley is a Cockapoo (Cocker Spaniel / Toy Poodle) and perhaps one of the most chill dogs in all the world. Both dogs when to the dog park and played and played. Here is a picture of the pups.

Tre, Gayle, Troy and I were sitting on the grass with some other dog owners and I was blessed to be pissed on by a roving beagle! The little guy was roaming the joint marking everything and decided to hit me up on the way. 
So, I don't know how to take this. What is the universe trying to tell me. That I am so awesome, the dog had to claim me for himself. OR is it a warning to never foster another beagle. EVER. The owner was mortified. I thought she was going to die right there. But I'm cool with it. I've had baby guinea pigs and those bastards like to pee on everything.
Saturday, 4/21/07: My town: Stuff
After the dog park we went to Troy's garage to check out the truck and the soda machine. Tre laughed for awhile when she saw it. I can't believe I own one either.
Me, Tre and Gayle went for a walk around town. We say the Victorian Bellefonte B&B that burned down a few weeks ago (Troy and I witnessed the horror the day that it burst into flames. His garage is just down the street). It was sad and still smelled like campfire. We were lucky enough to see it in all it's glory a few months ago during Victorian Bellefonte and their Xmas home tour. I think that it just mad it more sad to see it now. Like the Bush House all over again.
Anywho, we say the most awesome Hitler Cat. I actually jumped back when I saw him. Thanks Gayle for the photos.

To celebrate Hitler cat, this is Operation Kitten Calender. It may be the funniest kitten related video ever. There are five parts and it starts to get good around part 3. We watched it alot over the weekend. This is VERY FUNNY! KISS MY ASS!
Sunday, 4/22/07: Too much to eat.
Tre and I went to Mr. C's - Home of the fat sandwich. We both got fat sandwiches and I'm a little embarrased to say what I got.
Here is a pic. It is called the Faaat Mojow:2 cheeseburgers, 1 mozzarella stick, chicken fingers, bacon, egg, mayo, ketchup. It was on $6.95. That is really cheap for about 3 lunches. Tre got the Faaat Lion: chicken fingers, 2 mozzarella sticks, jalapeno poppers, mayo, kethup. I couldn't finish mine and took it home for Troy. Tre just picked what she wanted and threw the rest away. It was gross but, if you know these sisters, you know that it sounds about right.

I'm not going to fight it. It was really fucking good.

This is the first animated gif that I did - EVER. It's of me and Tre grooving. Fuck art - let's dance!
Thursday: 4/26/07: Nittany Lion Inn: Meals on Wheels Dinner
I think that Jodie is addicted to being in this blog! Greg, through Jodie, invited me to join AC at the MOW dinner because I have been known to rock hard. It was great because a) it was a pricey per plate dinner to help MOW - a totally worthy charity delivering meals to home bound and elderly recipients, 2) I got to have dinner with some of my favorite co-worker types (including KATIE!), and 3) I saw Franco Harris (of Immaculate Reception Fame) give a speech. I don't really know much about Mr. Harris except for when I tell dudes that I met him they are pretty interested. My pop-pop will enjoy the story, that's good enough.
And the food was pretty good. The waiter took away my roll mid-dinner, which totally threw me for a loop because I've never seen anything like it. And I love bread! I had flash backs of Christmas Parties Past at the Nittany Lion Inn and the drunkness that ensues after drinking a bottle of wine by yourself. Silly Xmas Parties. How I miss you not.
Thanks to AC and those who chatted me up: Linda, Jess, Sarah, Jon, Katie, Jodie, Greg, and Anita!
I think that's it. Because I'm a couple days late, I don't want to confuse what I did this weekend with the past week. So I'll shut my trap… NOW! |
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