Monday, March 5, 2007

Week 2 - 1/8/07 - I like to eat

What's new? Oh, I made some kickass ravioli, had the shittiest. wings. ever. and went to a new place for ice cream. This week it's all about how I like to eat.

Let's get the shitty out of the way first. I went to Damon's with Tony, Cece and Troy. It was wing night and i was semi-adventurous going for a half dozen of both Ranch and BBQ.

Let me start off by saying that wings are kinda gross and made the opposite way that I like. They are tiny and deep fried and then tossed with powder (i'm guessing - unless they are BBQ or something like that). My Ranch wings sat in a bowl of what looked like vegetable oil with pepper flakes. SO GROSS (I'm yelling that in my head!)!

The BBQ were good but only because the BBQ sauce was on the sweet/hot side and it sucked up all the oil. I finished those and started on the Ranch. I got one down before I almost lost it. My stomach actually lurched a little. Luckily my bill was about $4 bucks so I didn't cry too much.

I talked alot about such a shitty dinner. Yikes.

SECOND NEW THING: Stone Cold Creamery. Again, I lived here for 4 years and never visited. I suck for visiting any ice cream place that isn't the Dairy Queen down the street. I split a Banana Carmel Cup with Troy. Tony and Cece split something made with a bunch of chocolate.

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I know your saying "Miss, what about your extreme and unyielding lactose intolerance?" Well, it yielded a bit thanks to the crazy yogurt supplement I've been taking. It was really good but a little too sweet for my taste. I know. Too sweet. I'm on crack. But honestly, it was kind of sticky sweet and i like my ice cream to be more icy. Does that even make sense? In any event I like Meyers Dairy better.

LAST NEW THING: We made Mushroom Ravioli with Gorgonola Cream Sauce. It was tasty. Living in the metropolis that is Bellefonte, finding scallions and fresh thyme at 6:30 didn't happen. We made due. There are some things that I would change, and it wasn't quite as good as ravioli down the street, but I was pretty proud. And Tony was jealous.

Here are some photos:

Me working it out with the ravioli:
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The creamy gorgonzola sauce:
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Troy testing it out:
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The final (very messy product):

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Most of this was totally boring unless you were here giggling along. I totally pigged out this week and it was worth it.

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