| I know. I am a day late. Arrgggh.
I was (and am) pretty sick this week. And it was hard to do exciting new stuff when your gross. I'm going to give it my best and least boring shot. Please excuse me if I'm not funny.
Saturday, 1/13/07, Reading, PA: Meet the family
On Saturday, I met 5 cousins on mine that I have never met before. All of them were around 4-6 years old as well. And I'm not really sure if they are technically cousins, more like kids of my cousins. Second cousins then? I'll draw you a tree.
Let me preface all this by saying that this is my mom's side of the family and that I really haven't seen any of them since her memorial. In fact, up until this weekend I hadn't seen most of the family since I was 15 or 16. But it was amazing to see there kids running and playing. There isn't a better marker for the passage of time than to to see a kid grow.
Onto the newness. I met Amanda's two daughters, my uncle Kyle's daughter and son, and Josh's son. I also saw my Aunt Tracy's house and met her new husband. And saw my Uncle Joe's new wallpaper. Newness everywhere. Here is a family tree. I won't bore you with specifics.

It was great to be around people that grew up with my mom. My uncle Kyle and aunt Tracy and my mom were all about the same age and spent summers with each other. My mom has been dead almost 8 years and she's becoming more memory and less actual person. This brought it ALL flooding back. Bittersweet.
Back to the present. I didn't real touch the kids, although they used Troy as a jungle gym, but I did come home Monday with a cold. I'm not saying it was these kids ( I was around sticker, younger kids on Sunday as well) BUT it was MY FIRST COLD OF THE YEAR! Let's hear it for the cold ladies and gents…
Tuesday, 1/16/07, My Kitchen: Pork Loin with apple stuffing
I made a stuffed pork loin with Troy's help. It was tasty. We made the mistake of being lazy and not making our own potatoes, instead using the Country Crock garlic potato tub. NEVER use these. They are gross. But I ate them anyway.
My pork (I think you will notice a far superior plate job compared to the ravioli):

Shoot. What else. I frakking know that I did something else but I'm sick and I can't remember. I'll post a better one next week when I'm not all groggy from NyQuil/DayQuil.
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