| I hurt my ass this week. And my pride. All while going down a mountain to fast. I made up for it by eating a whole box of low-fat Nilla wafers. They kinda took the edge off. This is my week:
Friday, 2/16/07, Williamsport, PA: Purse Party
I bought this totally rad Kate Spade bag at my buddy Jen's purse party last friday. It was the first purse part I've ever been to and it was pretty cool. I bought a total of 3 bags, but this is my favorite. The drive down kinda sucked but I love hanging with my girls Jen and Gayle!

It's totally cute, right. And so Melissa. Gayle bought a bag that I totally loved, but she took it out of my hands saying "That's not a Melissa bag." Then she bought it. Nice.
Sunday, 2/18/07, Tussey Mountain: Snowboard down the bunny slope
I went snowboarding for the first time with Troy at Tussey Mountain. We met up with Maura, Andrew and Jessica and guy.
I totally suck at snowboarding and I was pretty much in a bad mood for most of my time there. I think this picture says it all (Thanks Andrew!!). I have no real balance and no need to go fast. I don't know that going fast down a mountain is something that a human, especially this human, should do.
So I freaked out a lot and threw a little bit of a fit. Troy didn't bother to tell our instructor (we took a lesson) that he has been snowboarding for, I don't know, seven or eight YEARS! He thought Troy was a genius. Meanwhile, I didn't make it down the hill without falling on my ass at least 4 times. At least.
I think that I might try skiing. Not being able to get my feet out of the bindings really freaks me out.

I guess it's normal to suck out loud your first time. In that case, I was screaming it. But I didn't quite and my body actually gave up before my spirit did. I learned a lot about my self on that mountain. The cheesiest line ever and fits the situation. Thanks guys for helping me out.
By the way, I'm still sore.

Monday, 2/19/07, My kitchen: Squash soup with ravioli.
We made this squash soup this week. It doesn't look as pretty as it tasted good. I found out last year, after years and years of denial, that I actually like squash and this was fantastic. It's out of the same book as always.

Wednesday, 2/21/07, My Kitchen: Peanut Thai Chicken Pasta
Now this was freaking fantastic. So super good. I usually don't like to eat things that 1) are crunchy, 2) taste like other things, or 3) freak me out. This had #1 and #2 going for it, but I still loved it. And if you want, you can come over and I'll make it for you.

It was super simple to make and it is a go-to-dish for the single guys. Everything gets cooked in one pot. I also had to peel a pineapple for the first time. Thanks random chick on Food TV for the hints. It was GREAT!!! Yum-frikkin-yum!

Friday, 2/22/07, My living room: Random sewing projects.
I managed to squeeze in some craftiness today. I made both Gayle and Jodie rice bags (what's up lady!). And while I was at it, I made dog beds for some of the NBR dogs at the kennel. They look great. I'm taking orders for them. They are swank!
I had a little bit of trouble with the sewing machine but we worked it out. I didn't get to use my awesome rotary blade to cut up the clothe - just scissors. I think that this is my new favorite thing to do.

Here is a close-up of the bed:

They look different in person. Way more cool. I love them.
Here are a snap of the bags:

And a close-up as well:

They are lucky girls to get such nice bags. Stay warm ladies.
Well, that is it for this week. From this point on my weeks are going to go Saturday to Friday, not Wednesday to Wednesday. So until next week, rock on! |
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