Thursday, February 28, 2008

Day58 - The irrationality of a Wednesday.

Wednesday, Feb. 27, 2008: My living room: Endangered Species Chocolate.

Yikes! I've been nothing but irrationally angry today, to a point where it's even surprising to me. I'm having trouble concentrating on anything for more than a minute. And whatever I am concentrating on is probably pissing me off. Not fun - I can not physically chill out. And thinking about being anxious only makes me more anxious. Ugh, what a cycle.

So, tonight I parked it on the couch, watched Toofy run ruffshot over the living room and ate a small piece of this chocolate. And when I say small, I mean, like, one row of the 6. It's really dark chocolate so that was more than enough.


Generally, I love this line of chocolate and the dark chocolate with cherries is really rather great. This tasted a little too much like coffee for me, much more tart than a Krackle bar. Do they even make Krackle anymore? Is that what comes in a bag of Hershey's minatures? Fuck, what I wouldn't do for a Chunky right now.

SEE, I can not concentrate. I need to find Toofy.

Day57 - Spraying ain't easy.

Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2008: Garage: New jumper.

Today was my meeting with my accountant, Roy, and I was STRESSED OUT! The post about bananas yesterday was because I was too tired to do anything else last night after prepping for the appointment (Taxes are a different ball of wax when you are an independent contractor). Troy came with me this year, and Roy couldn't be a nicer guy. My taxes went both better and worse than I imagined, if that is possible at all, and with me it probably is.

I went to the garage when we got back to Bellefonte, for no other reason than to stop thinking about taxes and forms and signatures. It is exhausting sometimes being trapped in my head.

I got to spray the doors with primer. Neat. I also used my painting overalls that are dead sexy. They are one size fits all! They fit my 6'3 boyfriend and me! It is dead sexy. Of course I made an animated gif of the fashion show. I should make it glittery too. Maybe later when I find my sense of humor I lost on Monday night.

Troy rocking the smock.


Me spraying. I KNOW this is probably the absolute wrong way to paint, on the floor, but you work with what you got.


Pure sexy albino penguin.


Day56 - This banana will change your life.

Monday, Feb. 25, 2008: My living room: Banana Art

I've had this book for years, and I always mean to do something from it, but many of the suggestions will get you either arrested or ostracized from your community. But they are fun and funny and after 55 days of new, I will try anything once.

I decided to go for this one because we had bananas in the house.


Here is my beginning banana:


Here is the ending naner. Sadly, the banana was a little past it's prime and looks a little rough. I'm going to try it again maybe next week. I will not stand for substandard fruit!


Monday, February 25, 2008

Day55 - Your a little bullshit-y.

Sunday, Feb. 24, 2008: My House: Donut

Today I was a little… tired maybe from drinking too much wine the night before. When we got home, we made a home made stromboli that was very good and I had one of these frozen eclairs from Smartfoods.

Troy and I had a discussion over which was more new, and he confirms that this little, frozen eclair is indeed new. He wanted me to LIE! and say I've never made a stromboli before. I have——and I think if I'm going to go to hell for lying it should be something really good, like telling your boss that your best friend overdosed on cocaine, even though you know your boss will freak out because he's a coke head, when you want to take the day off work and stay and party in Maryland a little more. Now, I didn't tell that lie, but I did craft it and that is the kind of fib you want to tell. Not "I made a stromboli last night." Bullshit-y.

Back to the matter at hand: this eclair was frozen, made by smartfood, low calories and really tiny. It was good and made for a nice late night snack.


Day54 - I don't know much about piss, but that's close.

Saturday, Feb. 23, 2008: Jen's House: Wino Party

My very dear friend Jen had a wine tasting party for her birthday and Gayle, Troy and I went together as a party. Jen was a very gracious host and made us many good things to eat including marinated mozzarella, parmesean chicken bites and maybe the best bruschetta I have ever had. Unfortunately, I was… occupied… and didn't take a picture of anything really.

Except for… Derek holding a bottle of 3 Blind Moose that might as well be called 3 Blind Moose Piss. Not good. At. All. Too Oaky. Oak piss might be a better description.


I tried these two wines. They surround my love, Chateau St. Michelle Riesling, which I brought and is my favorite wine ever. I also chugged a lot of Gayle's Yellow Tail Riesling, also very good.

I can't remember what these were, but I do believe one was a Blackberry Merlot (very good and I don't like Merlot's) and a white I had to much to drink to remember. I'm sure Jen will post in the comments and help my drink addled brain.


Here is my wine glass. I became obsessed with taking a picture of it at some point.


This is Troy. I don't need to say more, although I have a video that will say it all for me.


This is Jen. It only took 12 shots to get one good one.


The rest kind of looked like this:


There was a big fight between me, Troy and 2 spatulas. I couldn't begin to tell you what it was about. It ended with my knee looking like this and Troy looking almost as bad.


Well. Thank you very much Jen. I hope you had a great night and a great birthday week. We had a blast and miss and love you guys tons!

Day52 - Choppin' and a grindin'

Thursday, Feb. 21, 2008: The garage: breathing dirty air.

Either my boyfriend is very kind, or he was completely sick of hearing me bitch, but either way he bought me a new mask to wear while sanding. Only a complete year after inhaling god knows what! Still, very nice as my cheap ass would not buy one myself.

I know, it's fetching.


I also used my new dremel tool that Troy bought me for Christmas. This is me looking at the unholy rackety Kyle was making across the room.

I have man hands by the way.


First I did this. I carved out the holes that the molding will eventually attach. They were previously covered by putty. Here they are free of their binding.


Then I used it to make this:


Look like this:


I was about 2 minutes into it when Troy freaked out and asked me to do it by hand. I did and it looks boss. It started out like this:


Troy modified the doors and the door jamb from square to round. I was really excited when he told me his plan - and by excited I meant pissed. Mostly because the body was in the process of getting prepped for paint. That is not traditionally the time when you want to make a pretty big mod. We talked it out and I see his point and he sees mine. All is well in whoville.

The dremel is awesome. I'm looking all over the place for something to chop, grind or masacre. Watch out for your stuff!

Day53 - So good it will rock your socks right off.

Friday, Feb. 22, 2008: My Kitchen: Dolce Le Leche

I made these really cute little cups of fruit tonight for my bff Jen. To make them you must use La Leche, which is sweetened condensed milk heated until it carmalizes. I don't think there is anything sweeter or more yummy in this world, and I've made it my business over the years to eat things overly sweet and highly caloric.

Here's the nice lady on the can.


Here are a couple of pics of what I accomplished with said leche. They are strawberry mango phyllo cups.


They were pretty tasty and didn't last long.


I will make them for you anytime as long as you buy me some wine.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Day51 - I guess you can teach an old dog about new bacon.

Wednesday, Feb. 20, 2008: My Kitchen: BLT

I didn't want to write about food again this week, but I couldn't resist. Today was the first time I ever had a BLT. Ever. I think that is kind of amazing.

I used Turkey bacon, which is also a first. It's funny in that it's pressed into the scallop shape. Ridiculous. But it tasted sufficiently bacon-y.


It wasn't until I was finished eating that I realized it was my first BLT, so here is a picture of my plate afterwards.


Other trivia: I didn't order mayo on anything until I was 20. Before that I thought it was gross and I still kind of do. I didn't crave a salad until I was 19 and didn't eat them with any regularity until I was 22. I didn't eat a tomato on a burger/hoagie until around the same time. Although I have eaten my weight in club sandwiches, this is the first BLT.

Day50 - I'm putting all my money into rabbit futures.

Tuesday, Feb. 19, 2008: My living room: Bunny.

Today is day 50 of the new year. Why don't we do something fun and easy to celebrate. I know, let's make a bunny. I don't have to feed or change this little guy, so he's getting points over Luck already.


Hi guy. Hows the stealing my money going?

Also tonight: we trained Luke to run into the kitchen for a carrot. He never went that far before and it took some coaxing. Our plan is for Luke to be able to ring a bell in next to the fridge when he is hungry. I know… good fucking luck. We did train him to jump up onto the couch, but ringing a bell may be beyond his ability.

Here he is taking a nap on Troy's back. I want to bite his face. Both Troy and Luke.


Day49 - Blah, Blah, Blah… Chili Chicken.

Monday, Feb. 18, 2008: My Kitchen: Chilli Chicken

I'm a little tired of cooking this week. I'm sure your probably tired of hearing about me cooking. Ugh. I know.

There are probably many reasons for it, but I never thought about my roll as a woman in a relationship and the notion that it was my job to cook dinner every night. My Nana cooked every night. Troy's mom did, I'm sure. My mom did it to the extent that a single working mom could. There are millions of housewives across the country that do it.

Yet. I never considered it my job as Troy's girl to make sure dinner was on the table nightly when he got home. Not once. True, we aren't married but we've been together longer than most people I know in our generation. I work from home, so it would be easy for me to do. Still…

I'm not sure why I am opposed to the gender role. I only realized my opposition me last year.

I'm certainly not judging anyone who does. Jesus, running a house is tough work - especially when kids are involved. I don't have the patience of mind or the strength of body to be a mom, so blessed is she (or he) that runs the road of homemaker.

I'm not sure what the point of this is. Just thinking out loud. I wonder often why I'm so bothered by social constructs and roles assigned to women. Why am I so fucking contrary?

All that for a post on Chili Chicken. I made dinner for Troy tonight. I just threw a bunch of spices in a bag (chili powder, cumen, garlic powder, crushed pepper flakes, cayenne pepper, onion salt - about a 2 tablespoons of each) and 3 Tbls of dark brown sugar in a bag, tossed in 2 chicken breasts cut into 1 inch squares and shook to coat. Toss in a pan and cook for 30 minutes in the oven.

It was really good. Hot but sweet. It made us both sweat and would be good as wing sauce if you mixed with some butter or margarine.


We had it with some winter squash that was mixes with sugar, cinnamon and salt.


I love squash. It is one of my favorite things that I tried that was new.


Sorry for the big existential crisis above. Sometimes I just think too much.

Day48 - Kiss my shiny ass with your shiny lips.

Sunday, Feb. 17, 2008: Erin's B-day: Rimmel Twist and Shine

Warning: Girly content below.

Today was Erin's B-day (Happy B-day Erin!!) Yet another to fall to the dreaded 30's.

We went to her B-day party and I wore my new Rimmel London Twist & Shine in Twirl Me, which has got to be the lamest name for a color ever.

I like it ok. I'm going to continue using it (until I eventually loose it) considering how much I paid. It's a little shiny for my taste, but I can't find Almays Pure Tint anywhere.

I also started using Neutrogena Lip Nutrition in Mango, but that is fruitier than a . Also, I get really thristy for Hawaiian punch every time I use it.

Here is the "Lip Polish." Little bubbles pop up when you twist. It reminds me of that really shitty nail polish from when I was growing up that when you squeezed it, nail polish would ooze out. This works a better than that, but not much.


Sunday, February 17, 2008

Day47 - This post is so awesome, you don't even want to read it.

Saturday, Feb. 16, 2008 - Splatz Paintball, Lock Haven: Shooting friends for fun.

Today was truly an awesome, awesome day.

It started a some time ago when Carla and I devised a surprise paintball trip for Kyle for his birthday. The plan would not have come together without Troy spending days hunting down a place that was both close and in business. He found Splatz that opened last year, and after speaking with the own Lee on the phone, our trip was booked… two days before the event!

We all tried to round up friends, but because of the short notice and the cold weather, we went with a bare bones team of Me, Troy, Kyle, Carla, Jerm and Wendi. I'm think that was perfect.

At 11:30 when we left the house, it was 18 degrees and I'm sure that the high temp of the day was still in the 20's. Still, I never felt the cold once. And I get cold if it's below 70 in the house. As a matter of fact, I don't usually leave the house if it dips below 20.

We played guys vs girls, or rather Vag's vs. Bitches.

This was during our lecture on paintball safety.


I giggle to myself every time I see this, although I am unsure why.


Hahahah. This is me. I look like I eat babies.


Loading up the balls.


Before the bleakness of hand to hand combat made us world weary.


30 seconds after that picture, Troy dumped his balls. I did it 2x more during the day.


We played for probably 3 1/2 hours. This was during one of our breaks to reload.


Somehow, Wendi ripped her crotch out of her pants and was showing everyone half vag. I gave her my snow pants.


Here are some of the blinds. I didn't take any pictures of combat because our ref, Jacob, gave us some horror story of broken cameras on the field. I love this camera too much to risk it's harm. I don't know if you can tell from this picture, but the snow is green from paint splatter. It looks like someone blew snot all of the field. This is evidence of how although all the guys were playing against their girlfriends, they did not give a shit about unloading tons of fucking paintballs as them. Which makes them, you know, fucking awesome boyfriends.


More carnage. This was about 1/2 through our day when we were still firing conservatively. I think that towards the end, we were shooting 2x as many balls and everyone was much more aggressive.


These are my gloves right before they went in the washer. Still stained with the tears of boys that got their asses handed to them.


I found this in my glove. I'll keep it as a reminder of how much ass I kick.


During our last game, we decided that we would no long play a game - we would just unload our full hopper at each other. Unfortunately, we all ran out of air one by one. When your gun runs out of air, it sounds like an Uzi. One by one, you could hear guns spaz out across the field. So funny! So anti-climatic!

These are just random memories that I want to write down so I can remember them for years to come:

During the next to the last match, everyone else got picked off and it came down to Kyle and me. After a long standstill, I ended up killing his ass,. That totally made up for his crazy shit talking to the girls.

Another awesome memory was Wendi falling, then tossing her gun ahead of her and crawling across the ground Rambo style.

Troy led off the game with his "Remember… when pushed, killings as easy as breathing."

Troy tried to creep up on me during the second to final round. He was stalking me sniper like, but being the bad ass I am, I took him out before he could do the same. I am awesome.

At one point during the earlier matches, Jerm was rushing a new blind and I shot at him about 14 times and not one paintball him him. It was like Jesus was his back-up deflecting all shots.

During another match, Troy was taken out and I ended up shooting him 2 or 3 times in the thigh when he was walking to the sidelines. It was still awesome, but I am sorry for the late shot. Kind of.

Most of my shoot-outs were with Kyle. I will never pass up an opportunity to shoot Kyle. Ever. I usually won. Or atleast in my mind I did.

We used 3 3/4 boxes of our 5 boxes of paint. That means we used 7,500 balls out of 10,000! And probably only 500 of those got spilled on the ground.

I rarely ever saw Troy. I think that he is so tall and thin that he just blended into the trees.

Jerm is absolutely merciless in his shooting skills. His kill rate was really high.

Kyle would never let me up from my blind. It was tough to even peak around the side. He was on it like white on rice.

Carla is the all-star shooter. She took out 2x as many guys as I did for sure. She was our Jerm - merciless. I vote her MVP of the game.

Wendi loved to shoot. She was def. the wild card on our team and did an awesome job of keeping the dudes down. I think out of all of us, she enjoyed the gun play the most.

Me. Well, I just fucking rad. Seriously, I make for a great bullet catcher. Also, I screamed every time I got hit - I over reacted to every shot (I get that from my Pop pop for sure). And I talk a lot of shit. And I shot the shit out of everything.

Here is a shot of our after Splatz dinner. We had a chance to tell stories and talk about how much we all kicked ass.


By the way, Lee at Splatz couldn't be a nicer guy. He was so accommodating and opened up his field for us on a cold winter's day when most other shops were closed. Jacob, who was our ref, was super nice as well and gave us lessons in how to be a better player and some great, great stories in between matches. You don't even know. I would highly recommend this field to any and all people that want to play. I don't know shit about what constitutes a good field from a bad, but I know that Lee is a good guy and deserves your business.

One other reason Lee is awesome is because of a conversation we had on the way out. He said, "You know, I love to see the girls out here on the field. You don't see that often, but I love to have them come." What I say to that is… Fuck Yeah! 1) Team Vag is awesome for going and for going balls out. I think at the end of the day, the matches were probably tied and if they weren't, the score was really close. And that is AWESOME for 3 girls that have never hunted a day in our lives. All the guys were shooting/hunting for 15-20 years.

2) This sport is dominated by dudes and Lee and Jacob only knew of one professional lady team. So for Lee to be so cool to us and so supportive, that just says a lot about how great a dude he is.

And can I say that I enjoyed this so much more than last year when I learned to snow board. And, honestly, I would rather paintball than snow tube.
Here are my bruises. First is funny bone:


This is knee.


To wind it all down - this long and rambling post - I had a great, great, awesome time. It was more fun than I have had in a while. I couldn't imagine going with more kick-ass friends and these girls are just the awesomest. If every time we play is as great as this time… well, I couldn't ask for more.

We are planning a trip again for sometime in March. If you would like to join us (we already have 2 or 4 more people that would like to come), please let one of us know. We are thinking of dressing up like zombies and ninja because Kyle really wants to shoot a zombie.

Vag's and Bitches: If you read this, please feel free to leave a message about how kick-ass I am. Oh, I mean, how kick-ass the trip was.

Carla: I don't know if Kyle will read this because he's too busy being an undergrad, but please tell him Happy B-day from me again. And also let him know I can't wait to shoot him again.

Day46 - I think I'm going to start calling it the dust bowl.

Friday, Feb. 15, 2008: Garage: Sanding, sanding sanding.

Is there a sexier way to spend a Friday night than to spend it sanding putty from the ass end of a 48 Chevy. I really don't think so. It was unfortunate that after we got home at 11, that all I could taste was dust. Whatever cancer I will no doubtable be struck with because of our ever increasing shitty environment I am bound to get when I'm older, it will no doubt come a year sooner.

Tonight, I sanded a new and more exciting fender; bringing the fender total to: Me - 2, Troy - 0. After that I helped Troy sand off a layer of putty that he put upon a layer of fiberglass. EXCITING.

I used this block to sand. Troy bought them not to long ago. I think that they are made of black air because they are so light.


All that green shit is what we sanded.


The man with the crazy plan! If you want to read his blog on the truck, please click here. Realize he's not as prolific as I am.


This is what I had to look at all night.


This is pretty much what I did all night.


These shoes are in reality brown.


That was my friday night. Later, I tried to choke down some water but it tasted like a cross of metal and ass, and I prefer one or the other but not both.