Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Day30 - Space flight is not easy.

Wednesday, Jan. 30, 2008: My couch, my cold: The Astronaut Diaries

I was completely out of it with a fever on Wednesday, but I was awake for this documentary that played on the Science channel - my new favorite channel.

Using footage shot by Dan Brown, one of the astronauts aboard the shuttle Columbia that crashed upon reentry in 2003, the doc includes interviews with family describing the long wait from their original assignment to mission STS-107, through countless delays, team building exercises, trips and actual space flight. It was really well done and portrayed these super driven and courageous astronauts into every day people.

I thought it was touching and humanizing. I remember watching the crash happen live, just as I remember Challenger falling when I was in elementary school. It's easy to forget that there not human, with jobs and wives/husbands/families, when you think how heroic their job is. It was really quiet amazing.

I'm sure that this will be on Science channel again. I recommend sitting down and checking it out.

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