Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Day313 - Is that a grape?

Saturday, November 8, 2008: OLV Bazaar: mystery cake

Today we headed to the OLV bazaar to eat, push Anna around in a stroller and check out some crafts. Also, to lose at basket raffle.

We met Mark, Jodie and Anna and drove to OLV. I really wanted perogies, but they were already sold out at 1 p.m.. That would NOT happen back home - not until at least 6. But I don't believe that these were made by someone's eastern European grandma.

Troy and I split some crazy cake that I did not take a picture of. I looked like carrot cake, but had raisins, pineapple, and Troy said, cherries. And nuts and some other craziness. It was very good and I had a hard time stopping eating it.

Afterwards, we went to Target with M, J & A. Troy modeled this over priced silver wreath atrocity.


He is cute.

**How the rest of the day went - so Melissa remembers**
I talked on the phone with Rick about life and friends and death and life and all that other fun stuff. Kyle and Carla came over and they got to see Mac and eat Pizza and marvel at how large this iMac is. We ate pizza and Troy shot me in the eyeball with a nerf gun. Directly in the eyeball.

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