| Week 10 & 11 - I'm a little slow Current mood: okay Uggh. It's been one thing after another these past two weeks. Today is really the first day that I've have internet at night for any prolonged period since last Wednesday (It's Monday!). That was pretty stressful in itself. I've also had some joint/muscle problems and the accompanying medication makes me a little tired. I spent a couple days either in a doctor's office, without power or with internet. What a problem week. But I'm feeling better and life is good so let's get on with it.
Friday, 3/2/07: Sheetz, Elysburg: Chili dog
I never had a chili dog - ever! I was talking about them with Jodie on our trip the week before. On our way home to celebrate Tre's birthday we stopped at Sheetz and feasted on Chili and Saurkraut dogs. Troy and Jodie both vote for the chili, but as a true Polish girl, I go for the kraut. Thanks Jodie!
Saturday, 3/3/07, Ikea: Philly
Ok. It's not my first time at Ikea but it was Tre's, so that kinda counts for something. Really, it counts as a first because we bought our first kitchen table. The table that we had previously was one that I bought in 1997, from a thrift store in Pottsville, PA. I did the mosaic on the top but never finished it in ten years. It was looking like a hot mess. So we bought this one. It is built like a 50's kitchen table with leaves from both sides pulling out from under the top of the table, so it doubles in size. I was torn between the one that we got and a black finish that would match our chairs that we refinished two years ago. I think that it has a nice contrast. As soon as it's warm in our kitchen we will eat at it.

Here is the new carpet that we bought. Our old one was a little beat. Now it's under our Ikea bed chasing away dust bunnies. This rug was only $15! Bless you Ikea. i love you.

Thanks for going Tre! I know you had a good time even though you way otherwise.
Tuesday, 3/6/07, My kitchen: Whole-wheat pizza
We've been trying to eat healthier and this was one of our shots at getting off of the processed flour pizza highway. We bought the dough frozen from Wegmans and let it defrost in the fridge for two days. Holy Crap! It expanded and took up just about the whole bottom shelf. When we baked it it double in size of a regular pizza to about the size of a Sicilian pizza. I'm so bummed out I didn't take a picture. I definitely will next time.
And I so recommend wheat pizza. It was so good and such a great break from regular old pizza. It was a vacation from the ordinary. So lame of a saying but, really, it was fucking good.
Friday, 3/9/07, Hofbrau, Bellefonte: Breadsticks
We went to the Hofbrau and I had their breadsticks. Yummy. Nothing too fantastical but it was something new and something that I wouldn't ordinarily order. And that's what it's all about baby!
Troy was totally cool and took me out for dinner to cheer me up. Jess and Maura were going snowboarding again at Tussey and I had to bail because my body is so screwed up. My hip was super hurting and I limped all the way down the street, all the while making fun of Troy for walking to fast and leaving me a block behind. He would giggle slow down. It was a nice substitute but I'm really sorry that I missed another chance to show my "skillz on the hillz." I hope that you guys had a good time!
Thursday, 3/14/07, My office: New Internet Provider
I think that I mentioned before that I signed up for new internet, Verizon, and that it was kind of a big deal because I was with earthlink for so long. On Thursday, our service went out, only one week after we signed up for it. We are still out of service now and the service guy STILL has not called us to fix it. Thursday afternoon, after my doc appt., I went to the Comcast office and picked up a new modem. The girl at the desk, who was very nice, said that it was super easy to hook up. It kinda was. The problem is that it won't stay on. We had a service guy come out and check the line, they reset the modem numerous times remotely, and we switched out modems but to no avail. I'm assuming the second service guy came out today as scheduled because we have had constant internet since I got home at 3:30. Yay! Where was I? Well…
Thursday, 3/15/07, Office Diggs, State College: Troy's office
Because I was internet-less and I was working with Troy on a project for one of his clients, I went to the office with him. It was pretty cool to because I usually just work here alone. And I'm really cool with that. But it was a nice break to have someone do the robot with. I went again today and it was a lot of fun.
It's also the first time that I worked with Troy on a project of his. Not just helped but really did a lot of the work. It went to the printer today but I think that it's really going to turn out to be a great product. I'm eager to see it.

This is who I hang out with everyday in the office.
Well, shoot, for being totally bummed out and feeling either gross or in pain I did quite a bit. It's not cool that I didn't take enough pictures. Doy Melissa. I'm just really psyched that here - one fifth of the way in - that i'm still going strong. Well, somewhat strong. I haven't been able to do a lot but I haven't given up and that fraktastic. |
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