| Current mood: pleased Here we meet again. Another week past. And what a fast week. I don't even remember most of it but I know that it went by fast. Here are a few things that went down:
Tuesday, 3/20/07, My Kitchen: Peanut Butter Cupcakes
I have been getting the weirdest cravings lately. Out of nowhere I'll just get really hungry for a butterscotch crimpit or mashed potatoes. It's just this passing flash of hunger for something very, very specific. I don't remember ever having anything like it before and it's just been the past month or two that this has been going on.
Anyway, I've had this nagging urge for fluffy cupcakes. And it has been nagging. So I decided to break down and make some.
We didn't have any cake mix in the house but I do have my favorite cook book. So I made cupcakes from SCRATCH. I've never done that before. I was just going to make plain white cake cupcakes but I saw this little blurb at the bottom of the page that gave directions to make a cake peanut butter. I've been dying for PB pancakes so I thought I would kill two birds, etc.
Here is what went down:
Me making a mess of trying to fill some cups.

A shot before they went into the oven.

The best cupcakes in the world.

I didn't ice them, we just ate them plain. That caused a little bit of a disagreement between Troy and me. One, I don't really like icing. I've had some really great icing - Troy's mom's and my nana's are two examples of extraordinary icing. I love carbs and would rather just eat the dough. Two, I have no idea how to make icing and I don't know that I had everything/anything to do so. Three, it's a fact that jelly is the way to go (it's peanut butter!) and next time I'm injecting those suckers. So, Troy, I win.
Seriously, I've made some great, great food this year so far and this is probably my most favorite goody that I've made yet. When they were freshed baked they were awesome. Heavenly I would go so far to say. So fucking good is another way. I loved, loved, loved them. I'm making some for my sister and pop-pop soon. If you want one, I'll save one for you.
Tuesday, 3/20/07, LuLu's, State College: The Hold Steadies with Illinois
This was my first time as LuLu's and my first all age show in a club in State College that wasn't at the Crowbar (RIP). LuLu's kind of looks like a mixture of "Solid Gold" (if it took place in the 90s) and a asian whorehouse. Red laquer paint everwhere and paper laterns. It was a weird joint. And I'm not a fan of the bathrooms.
The part that sucked the most (where the Crowbar had it right and Lulu's is wrong) is that both under and over 21 mix together on the same floor. Meaning no drinks for the grown ups. Actually, meaning no drink at all - including water. Nothing.
Illinois was pretty good. Sometimes they were a little too earnest, but in general they were ok. I think that some of the slow songs went on for too long and were a little too emo.
The Hold Steadies were awesome. Just the coolest band I've seen in a while. The vibe was that good I left happy and not wanting to kill, kill, kill the cowboy next to us. It was a good night. Thanks Troy and Jason!
Here is a photo. It's crappy and I'm mad at my cell phone.

Last week in my very special double post I forgot to mention the new program I bought. I bought it the night that I missed Tussy. It's called Delicious Library and it catalogs all of your music, dvd/videos, books and games. And it does it in the most beautiful way.
Since we had some cd's stolen from our car, I worry about what would happen if a large chunk were taken or, god forbid, the house blew up. How would be know what we lost? And we tried writing it all down - that lasted for about a week until our hands cramped. This program catalogs everything so easy and can give you a print of your entire list when your down.
AND, it gives you all kinds of info like how much it's currently worth (Babyshambles: $26; Alien Ant Farm: $0.75), track names, random liner notes and a small review. Here are two views, one of the entry mode and one of the library mode:
You can enter info either using your iSight and the barcode or manually entering the barcode or item name.

When your done it puts everything in a wooden library. I love pretty things.

Okay, that is it. Mock my music taste below. Or beg for cupcakes. In either case, keep rockin. |
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