| It's been forever since I talked about myself and it was great. I like keeping a record of what I have done, because my memory is crap, but I hate talking about myself. It is merciless.
I hope that you missed me. At the very least I hope that something in here is mildly entertaining. Easter was one week, I was busy the next and this week I had/have a cold. Much of what was new happened here, in this house, for that very reason.
3/30/07: My House: Visual Journal
I'm not a big journal person. Mainly because I think I'm a dork and I can't stand to read about how dorky I was in the past. Uggh. I'm so glad I'm not 10-16 any more. I was SO in love. Everything was SO important. The crush was SO big. Going through the hopes and dreams of someone SO young, especially when it is me, is so embarrassing. I may regret this when I'm 50. But I probably won't.
Despite all of this, I've decided to start another journal. This one will be visual as well as written. I'll draw in it instead of writing a post. Or paste in artifacts from a trip. A sort of scrapbook/journal hybrid. But it wont be pretty. And I'm positive that future me will be embarrassed.
But if I can keep this blog going (even though I hate the word blog as much as I hate the word coupon), I think that I can do the journal. I have so many random and winding thoughts in my head they should be down on paper for future generations to decipher/study.
3/31/07: My house: Internet guy
This is the third dude to come to our house to try and fix our cable modem. He ended up replacing some cable outside of the house that was split. Funny how the other two dudes missed that one.
Over the weekend everything worked awesome. It was a true joy to have steady service, even though we were out and about most of it. Monday morning brought new disappointment of sporadic service. We had a big thunderstorm last night and I'm betting dollar to donuts that there is something wrong with the drop line from the pole. The war isn't new, but the battle is.
UPDATE: We finally go somebody to believe us and change the drop line into the house. Funny enough it was the second dude who said NOTHING was wrong. Yeah, the guy who missed the completely screwed wire running along side our house. If the dude would have listened to us the first time, he probably wouldn't have had to come back and change the wire in a snowstorm. I guess you really do get what you give sometimes.
4/5/07: My House: Door Dam.
I have no idea what I can call this guy, but door dam sounds both funny and gross. Living in an old Vic can mean some truly drafty winter days. I saw an infomercial for something like this on TV and wanted to make one. Luckily, I found a web page with instructions.
Here are before and after shots.

That is about a two inch gap. The other side is a closet that is next to the neighbors front door. It can be really cold in there in the winter and this helps to keep the breeze out when your sitting on the floor. It also helps keep the chinchilla out of there. I have to make 4 more but I think that I can manage. They really do the business too.
4/8/07: My House: Mr. Toofy von Schnauzer
Here is our new addition to our family. His name is Mohawk, the Hawk, Mr. Toofy von Schnauzer or Whitey Ford. Or Jerkface fuzzy guy. He has many. He came from my sister and looks a lot like our dear departed Jack. Luke really wants to love him - hard - so they are and will be separated. When we had Jack and Dent they could just chill with each other and share the same cage, but Luke (and our other hairless Charlie) is such an asshole. So for now, Hawk sits on the couch with me and Luke runs around the couch - screaming. It makes for a great evening.
Thanks Tre!

The camera didn't give him red eye—God did.
4/10/07: Gamble Mill, Bellefonte: Lunch with Craig
I love the Gamble Mill. It is absolutely my favorite bar to go to in this tiny four-bar-having town. A rum&Coke is maybe pricey, but what your really paying for is seclusion from nut jobs, a great bartender and a easy, quiet vibe. You can actually hear what your friends are talking about. There is a fire on cold winter nights.
I've eaten there before, but always at the bar, so it was nice to go for lunch. And if it feels like I haven't seen Craig in years, it's because I probably haven't. My food was pretty good (Chicken sandwich) and it was really cheap compared to what a little piece of cake is going for during dinner. I missed talking to Craig and I was very happy that lunch went so well. We went right back into our roles as friends, and as he said, it's like 7 years ago all over again.
Thanks Craig!
4/15/07: Pittsburg Mills, Pittsburgh: H&M & Red Robin
Troy and I shot a wedding this weekend in Pitt, and on our way home on Saturday we stopped at Pittsburgh Mills to do a wee little bit of shopping.
I spent about 100 bucks at H&M and what I bought was really cute. Here is a highlight - a skull BFF ring. His jaw unhinges! How freaking rad is that?

I also bought this outfit to wear next to the truck. I think I need new shoes!

I've never been to a Red Robin but it looked better than the Cajun place that was harassing us with samples in the food court, so we went for the burger and milkshakes. I really wanted what Troy got which was a mushroom/swiss burger, but I always pick that burger combo. Instead I had the Chili Chili Cheeseburger. The chili was good, but it probably would have been better if we didn't eat chilli that on Tuesday and Wednesday.
I would still rather go to Baby's and have a chicken wimpy basket.
Oh, and before I forget - we did some ghost hunting Saturday night. We didn't catch a ghost (even though we heard great, GREAT ghost stories) but I did catch the groove. While downstairs hunting for ghouls, I danced - a lot. It's not well know that I can groove - but it's true. We probably didn't see anything because the ghost was afraid to get served.
One spooky thing: Chris dropped his camera while we were downstairs and we looked everywhere for the battery and eventually gave up. As soon as Chris sat down and looked around, the battery showed up in the opposite direction of where he dropped the camera. I'm 85% sure that we looked there - so there is a 15% chance that we are blind. Really, I think a ghost was screwing with us.
Thanks to Jen, Derek, Alicia, Jeff, Chris, Nick's lady, Eric and Brian Boitano for keeping it real! I really wished that we could have gone on a trip to the graveyard.
Here is a photo of me when I saw what I thought was a ghost, but was really just a dog. I almost peed a little. YES, my hair is that long. It is crazy.

4/9/07: My House, this very desk: Yucky.
My MAC came with this really nice keyboard that has ultra white keys and a clear base. It looks great. But I am a mess and I eat at my desk, which translates to a really gross scene. I never cleaned a keyboard before and I was really scared to break this one, especially because I didn't want to spend 60 bucks on a new one. I got the job done but here is a picture of the keyboard in the middle of cleaning. Yeah, that is some kind of bug. So freaking gross. I have to stop eating sandwiches at my desk.

Odds and ends:
I had two straight days of draining sinuses. Two days of hell more like it. To scratch my throat, I've been eating these like their going out of style - whole wheat cheese curls. Holy Crap they are good. So much better than Cheetos and next to fat-free Redi-Whip whipped cream, my favorite "fake good thing for you that is actually probably bad." You still get the Cheeto orange stain, but not the oil slick down the throat. Awesome.
Troy bought the Wellness Formula to fight our colds. It has about 30 different ingredient to help fight a cold including garlic and vitamin C (1290 mg!) and something called Horehound Arial Parts. Both Jodie (who raves about it / swears on it) and Troy were disappointed to find out that the Arial parts were NOT the antennae from a Horehound bug. I'm sorry to say it is a flower. Troy feels better already (he took it yesterday) and I feel better today. I don't know if it's because I took it this morning or I took Tylenol Sinus last night. Either way, I'm blowing my nose more, but coughing less. Thanks Jodie!

Here is a wheat pizza that we made. It was really really good. I love you wegmans.

Well, god bless you guys for hanging in with me. I promise I'll keep the good times rolling and maybe at a faster pace. |
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