Thursday, June 12, 2008: The garage: Seat belts.
I installed the new seat belts tonight. I also got this really rad cut on my forehead when I reached underneath to hold the bolt. Yes, that is how low the truck is! My head, although larger than most, does not fit under the truck. That may not be the best thing in this hill-ridden town of ours.
No pictures and nothing else to report. I just installed seat belts for safety. You know, click it or ticket!
Friday, June 27, 2008
Day163 - Hip Hop You Don't Stop
Wednesday, June 11, 2008: The Brewery: Hip Hop Caberet.
Yana dragged me from my anxiety laced den of Gypsy tonight. I felt bad about leaving Troy alone with the truck - there is too much to do. But he assured me that it was alright and pushed me out the door. I went begrudgingly.
I didn't make it to the Brewery without having a major freak out. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't good and I was near Troy by the time I finally got a hold of Troy. Yana did the best job of calming down and a few Corona's later I was doing much better.
The Hip Hop Caberet… well that was freaking awesome. It was put on by Love and Light Productions. I think the best part of the night was probably The Clover doing a cover of Rapper's Delight. It was so fucking good. Yes, good enough for me to cuss over.
Yana and I shot pictures for it. I didn't bring my camera because I'm awesome like that, but I did end up shooting quite a few with Yana's. I think we ended up taking over 350. If she tosses some my way after reading this, I will post them here.
Thanks Yana! I don't want to get all over, but I don't know how I would have gotten through the tonight or the week without ya!
Yana dragged me from my anxiety laced den of Gypsy tonight. I felt bad about leaving Troy alone with the truck - there is too much to do. But he assured me that it was alright and pushed me out the door. I went begrudgingly.
I didn't make it to the Brewery without having a major freak out. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't good and I was near Troy by the time I finally got a hold of Troy. Yana did the best job of calming down and a few Corona's later I was doing much better.
The Hip Hop Caberet… well that was freaking awesome. It was put on by Love and Light Productions. I think the best part of the night was probably The Clover doing a cover of Rapper's Delight. It was so fucking good. Yes, good enough for me to cuss over.
Yana and I shot pictures for it. I didn't bring my camera because I'm awesome like that, but I did end up shooting quite a few with Yana's. I think we ended up taking over 350. If she tosses some my way after reading this, I will post them here.
Thanks Yana! I don't want to get all over, but I don't know how I would have gotten through the tonight or the week without ya!
Day162 - And it then became perfect.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008: The garage: Floor and ceiling.
More Gypsy truck stuff. It will end soon, I swear. It has too! I can't go on forever.
Today I installed the roof and the floor. I know that the roof is not professional grade, but it works and it doesn't look half bad installed.
Instead of using wood, Kyle and I used cardboard and duct tape. Ofcourse we tried to use wood, we just couldn't find anything pliable enough to bend the way it needs to bend. And I used all the cardboard from the walls on the doors. We ended up using the cardboard templates for the wood.
After that, I taped up the new ceiling as a catch all for the adhesive. I was not wearing goggles and managed to get a couple of good sprays in my eyeballs. Not fun! My eye was glued shut for a couple of minutes, but like a barn cat, I worked it out.

Troy helped me smooth out the cloth across the ceiling. Slow and steady and it was over.

I found these little pins in our "Big Box of Unlabeled Parts" and sanded and painted them to match the rest of the truck. The look good and I'm sure will help hold the ceiling in place. I would love to have 3 more.

Next was the floor. Steph gave us this beautiful rug that I was so sad to cut up. Gorgeous is not enough to say.

I worked on it while Troy did some of this.

I wanted to cut it down in the most efficient way possible. I think that I succeeded.

I put down this silver padding that will help dampen noise and keep some heat from the road and engine out of the cab. I busted my knuckle up cutting it with scissors. I actually WORKED my fingers to the bone a little.

Next came the carpet. Troy helped me cut and cut and cut. I'm glad he was there because I'm not exactly anal about shit like this.

And there you have it - a finished floor.

Looking at it now, I couldn't imagine anything else going there. It is absolutely amazingly perfect. I really can't thank Steph enough, she made this part of the job easy and exceedingly cheap. It is perfect.
More Gypsy truck stuff. It will end soon, I swear. It has too! I can't go on forever.
Today I installed the roof and the floor. I know that the roof is not professional grade, but it works and it doesn't look half bad installed.
Instead of using wood, Kyle and I used cardboard and duct tape. Ofcourse we tried to use wood, we just couldn't find anything pliable enough to bend the way it needs to bend. And I used all the cardboard from the walls on the doors. We ended up using the cardboard templates for the wood.
After that, I taped up the new ceiling as a catch all for the adhesive. I was not wearing goggles and managed to get a couple of good sprays in my eyeballs. Not fun! My eye was glued shut for a couple of minutes, but like a barn cat, I worked it out.
Troy helped me smooth out the cloth across the ceiling. Slow and steady and it was over.
I found these little pins in our "Big Box of Unlabeled Parts" and sanded and painted them to match the rest of the truck. The look good and I'm sure will help hold the ceiling in place. I would love to have 3 more.
Next was the floor. Steph gave us this beautiful rug that I was so sad to cut up. Gorgeous is not enough to say.
I worked on it while Troy did some of this.
I wanted to cut it down in the most efficient way possible. I think that I succeeded.
I put down this silver padding that will help dampen noise and keep some heat from the road and engine out of the cab. I busted my knuckle up cutting it with scissors. I actually WORKED my fingers to the bone a little.
Next came the carpet. Troy helped me cut and cut and cut. I'm glad he was there because I'm not exactly anal about shit like this.
And there you have it - a finished floor.
Looking at it now, I couldn't imagine anything else going there. It is absolutely amazingly perfect. I really can't thank Steph enough, she made this part of the job easy and exceedingly cheap. It is perfect.
Day161 - Half of a half of a half
Monday, June 9, 2008: It's half ours.
We went to Log Cabin Motors in Bellefonte today to have the truck finally registered. Imagine my surprise when Troy asked me to be added to the title. Wow! I had to sign some papers and show my i.d. and then walk out of the office with a shiny new plate and a bright pink slip.
I've never owned a truck and certainly never had a co-signer for any vehicle so that feels weird. The fact that Troy chose me to sign with him is even weirder, especially for two people so committed to non-committal, it is a big step.
I'm so happy I could burst. What a day.
We went to Log Cabin Motors in Bellefonte today to have the truck finally registered. Imagine my surprise when Troy asked me to be added to the title. Wow! I had to sign some papers and show my i.d. and then walk out of the office with a shiny new plate and a bright pink slip.
I've never owned a truck and certainly never had a co-signer for any vehicle so that feels weird. The fact that Troy chose me to sign with him is even weirder, especially for two people so committed to non-committal, it is a big step.
I'm so happy I could burst. What a day.
Day160 - It rattles like your momma!
Sunday, June 8, 2008: The garage: The first ride!
It has been hot. Hotter than you can imagine the past few days. I think Kyle said that it was 100 on Friday in Lewistown and he had the added joy of watching people lay asphalt. In the garage it was probably 5 degrees warmer than outside. When you are in the cab of the truck it is probably 3 more degrees warmer than the inside of the garage.
And it's humid. And miserable. And these freaking locusts are deafening. They drive you to madness, or very close to that edge, and only stop when the sun finally goes down sometime around 9. It's more than miserable, it's close to hell actually.
Yesterday, we were here all day and worked near non-stop. I drank a half-gallon of water atleast. I just got so hot, I sat down and fell asleep. I looked over at Troy and he was sprawled across the floor, so I fell back asleep. It was just that hot you didn't want to do anything else.
But the deadline is close. Really close. So you do what you have to do and that is not giving up.
Although I wanted too - I told Troy I was many times. He would tell me to go home in this really weird tone and I would end up staying and working harder, pushing myself the extra 10% that comes with working 110%. I think that I may be developing character.
The first thing that we got done today, a miracle in itself, was to get the back window to fit. I think in all over the past 3 days, it has taken around 10 hours to get it to fit. In the process of installing a window, you first must wrap the glass with a rubber gasket, then use a special too to install a locking strip that keeps the gasket in place. Then your supposed to use rope and soapy water with some pulling and tugging to work it in.
That didn't work. And worse than it not working, it chewed the very expensive gasket to hell. This was Friday. Kyle was inside holding the slippery glass with this glass vacuum holder we bought somewhere. It's cool in a I'm-going-to-rob-some-daimonds kind of way.

It is hot in that cab. After a while your arms shake and your palms sweat. As well as your back and neck and legs. Your gross when you come out, not to mention that fact that your dejected that it failed again, probably for the upteenth time.
So we watched "Trucks!" again and looked for any tricks that could help us. We ended up getting a different brand of spray lubricant and that worked awesome. We also reversed the process: I sat on the outside and Troy pulled the rope from the inside. Wham, bam, thank you ma'am - 5 minutes later we were done. This is me right after we finished. It was around 11 am and I was sweating already. It was another hot, hot day.

The rest of the day was spent installing other stuff, like vent windows and trim. The vent windows are not going well already. That is going to be another pain.
The best part of the day is when we got to drive it for the first time. I let Kyle and Troy go for the first ride. Kyle put up a fight, but he deserved it. He's worked on the truck as much, if not more, than I have and has just been awesome the past two years.
It was no surprise that on her first trip, when Troy and Kylecame back to the garage, that Kyle was now driving. Here is me in the front seat on my turn up the alley. Keep in mind that this sucker isn't titled, registered or inspected in anyway.

She is loud, rattles like a fucker and is scary as hell to ride in. It was amazing.
This is her first trip into the open air.

She is low and mean.

We had another set back at one point. The fan is not hooked up correctly so the engine overheated. It was funny to see it spew fluid like a volcano from the trim holes in the hood. Well, as funny as that kind of thing can be.
It has been hot. Hotter than you can imagine the past few days. I think Kyle said that it was 100 on Friday in Lewistown and he had the added joy of watching people lay asphalt. In the garage it was probably 5 degrees warmer than outside. When you are in the cab of the truck it is probably 3 more degrees warmer than the inside of the garage.
And it's humid. And miserable. And these freaking locusts are deafening. They drive you to madness, or very close to that edge, and only stop when the sun finally goes down sometime around 9. It's more than miserable, it's close to hell actually.
Yesterday, we were here all day and worked near non-stop. I drank a half-gallon of water atleast. I just got so hot, I sat down and fell asleep. I looked over at Troy and he was sprawled across the floor, so I fell back asleep. It was just that hot you didn't want to do anything else.
But the deadline is close. Really close. So you do what you have to do and that is not giving up.
Although I wanted too - I told Troy I was many times. He would tell me to go home in this really weird tone and I would end up staying and working harder, pushing myself the extra 10% that comes with working 110%. I think that I may be developing character.
The first thing that we got done today, a miracle in itself, was to get the back window to fit. I think in all over the past 3 days, it has taken around 10 hours to get it to fit. In the process of installing a window, you first must wrap the glass with a rubber gasket, then use a special too to install a locking strip that keeps the gasket in place. Then your supposed to use rope and soapy water with some pulling and tugging to work it in.
That didn't work. And worse than it not working, it chewed the very expensive gasket to hell. This was Friday. Kyle was inside holding the slippery glass with this glass vacuum holder we bought somewhere. It's cool in a I'm-going-to-rob-some-daimonds kind of way.
It is hot in that cab. After a while your arms shake and your palms sweat. As well as your back and neck and legs. Your gross when you come out, not to mention that fact that your dejected that it failed again, probably for the upteenth time.
So we watched "Trucks!" again and looked for any tricks that could help us. We ended up getting a different brand of spray lubricant and that worked awesome. We also reversed the process: I sat on the outside and Troy pulled the rope from the inside. Wham, bam, thank you ma'am - 5 minutes later we were done. This is me right after we finished. It was around 11 am and I was sweating already. It was another hot, hot day.
The rest of the day was spent installing other stuff, like vent windows and trim. The vent windows are not going well already. That is going to be another pain.
The best part of the day is when we got to drive it for the first time. I let Kyle and Troy go for the first ride. Kyle put up a fight, but he deserved it. He's worked on the truck as much, if not more, than I have and has just been awesome the past two years.
It was no surprise that on her first trip, when Troy and Kylecame back to the garage, that Kyle was now driving. Here is me in the front seat on my turn up the alley. Keep in mind that this sucker isn't titled, registered or inspected in anyway.
She is loud, rattles like a fucker and is scary as hell to ride in. It was amazing.
This is her first trip into the open air.
She is low and mean.
We had another set back at one point. The fan is not hooked up correctly so the engine overheated. It was funny to see it spew fluid like a volcano from the trim holes in the hood. Well, as funny as that kind of thing can be.
better than I imagined,
everything melts away,
Day159 - Taking it out on the staples
Saturday, June 7, 2008: The garage: door panels
I've upholstered quite a few chairs with varying degrees of success. Today was a little different: the chair was a door and the fabric was some cheap burlap I bought for two quarters. The foam, of course, was hella expensive. And made me feel really bad about the impact of this truck on the environment.
But, we will leave that guilt for another day. How to build a door panel in a few easy parts.
First use the old door panel for a template to cut out the new door panel. Also, find good thin wood to do so. This actually isn't the wood that we bought. This is the cardboard that I stripped from the walls of the garage. That rent paid off!
I used a saw to cut it out - by myself! After they were both cut out, I took them upstairs and Troy helped me pre-drill holes for fastening to the actual door body.
Now lets start the fun. Bare door.

Hose down with spray adhesive.

Cover with thin foam. This stuff is actually a little thick but we are working with it.

Use meat saw that your very nice aunt got you for christmas but you always forget to use on actual meat. Cut away!

Find some cheap fabric - this cost a half dollar.

Lay it over and pray you get it right the first time so you don't have to pull it off and start all over.

Flip it over and step on it to make a good seal.

Start in the center and work your way out.

Run out of staples and have to go to Triangle supply. Loose your temper a little.
Get back and feel like a dick for crying about not having enough staples. Finish the job.

Do the other and you have two good looking panels.
I've upholstered quite a few chairs with varying degrees of success. Today was a little different: the chair was a door and the fabric was some cheap burlap I bought for two quarters. The foam, of course, was hella expensive. And made me feel really bad about the impact of this truck on the environment.
But, we will leave that guilt for another day. How to build a door panel in a few easy parts.
First use the old door panel for a template to cut out the new door panel. Also, find good thin wood to do so. This actually isn't the wood that we bought. This is the cardboard that I stripped from the walls of the garage. That rent paid off!
I used a saw to cut it out - by myself! After they were both cut out, I took them upstairs and Troy helped me pre-drill holes for fastening to the actual door body.
Now lets start the fun. Bare door.
Hose down with spray adhesive.
Cover with thin foam. This stuff is actually a little thick but we are working with it.
Use meat saw that your very nice aunt got you for christmas but you always forget to use on actual meat. Cut away!
Find some cheap fabric - this cost a half dollar.
Lay it over and pray you get it right the first time so you don't have to pull it off and start all over.
Flip it over and step on it to make a good seal.
Start in the center and work your way out.
Run out of staples and have to go to Triangle supply. Loose your temper a little.
Get back and feel like a dick for crying about not having enough staples. Finish the job.
Do the other and you have two good looking panels.
Day158 - But what else can 3 dollars get me?
Friday, June 6, 2008: The garage: Strawberry Smoothie
First, expect a lot of garage in the next two weeks. The Bellefonte Cruise is fast approaching and pretty much all my time will be there. Any waking minutes are taken for then next week or so.
Now you probably know that I am addicted to Sheetz Steamerz. Hot vanilla milk is so yummy on a cold winter day. Well, Troy is now addicted to their strawberry smoothies. We tried this one today and now that he has a taste for them, I see no end in site.

They are good. Too good. I had major brainfreeze from chugging one too fast. I haven't had brain freeze in years. Guess what? It still sucks as bad as it did in the past.
In case your wondering what Nikko did today, it was this:
First, expect a lot of garage in the next two weeks. The Bellefonte Cruise is fast approaching and pretty much all my time will be there. Any waking minutes are taken for then next week or so.
Now you probably know that I am addicted to Sheetz Steamerz. Hot vanilla milk is so yummy on a cold winter day. Well, Troy is now addicted to their strawberry smoothies. We tried this one today and now that he has a taste for them, I see no end in site.
They are good. Too good. I had major brainfreeze from chugging one too fast. I haven't had brain freeze in years. Guess what? It still sucks as bad as it did in the past.
In case your wondering what Nikko did today, it was this:
Day157 - The battle of pine bed
Thursday, June 5, 2008: The garage: Making a bed.
Two monumental things happened tonight. The first was that Kyle and I installed this beautiful wooden bed onto the back of the truck.

Was it hard? Frick yeah it was hard! First we had to have all the pieces routered (thank you Ryan!). Then I had to coat them - both sides - with 3 coats of polyurethane, with sanding between each coat. It is hot as hell out, the locusts are deafening and I killed quite a few gypsy moths while I was at it.
The real pain in the ass came as we were fitting it. Because of the humidity, the wood swelled and no longer fit. Not only did they not fit, but the longer we worked into the night, the less they fit. We were really working against the clock.
After a shitload of pushing, pulling and crawling under the truck (all the bolts had to be tightened one by one underneath) we got it in. Unless you were here, you have no idea who much of a pain it was. It was an "I would rather be at the gynocologist" situation.
But the results are worth it. The bed is freaking gorgeous. Not perfect, but very close to it and may very be the shining jewel of the truck.
The second awesome thing to happen today: Nikko came to stay for a visit. My friend Jess is on a mini-cation with her boyfriend Bill and Nikko needed a place to crash for a couple of days. I'm excited to have a cat without actually having a cat.
And please realize that this cat has a glandular problem.
Two monumental things happened tonight. The first was that Kyle and I installed this beautiful wooden bed onto the back of the truck.
Was it hard? Frick yeah it was hard! First we had to have all the pieces routered (thank you Ryan!). Then I had to coat them - both sides - with 3 coats of polyurethane, with sanding between each coat. It is hot as hell out, the locusts are deafening and I killed quite a few gypsy moths while I was at it.
The real pain in the ass came as we were fitting it. Because of the humidity, the wood swelled and no longer fit. Not only did they not fit, but the longer we worked into the night, the less they fit. We were really working against the clock.
After a shitload of pushing, pulling and crawling under the truck (all the bolts had to be tightened one by one underneath) we got it in. Unless you were here, you have no idea who much of a pain it was. It was an "I would rather be at the gynocologist" situation.
But the results are worth it. The bed is freaking gorgeous. Not perfect, but very close to it and may very be the shining jewel of the truck.
The second awesome thing to happen today: Nikko came to stay for a visit. My friend Jess is on a mini-cation with her boyfriend Bill and Nikko needed a place to crash for a couple of days. I'm excited to have a cat without actually having a cat.
And please realize that this cat has a glandular problem.
Day156 - Like drinking old lady perfume
Wednesday, June 4, 2008: The garage: Cream Soda
Today, we went shopping for parts and things and fabrics and other things. We are really trying to get this sucker done and kicking ass on the finishing touches is our life right now.
On the way home from Altoona (we were at the haven of all things cheap, Surplus City), we stopped at Clems BBQ (the haven of all things beautifully bbq-ed). Troy picked up two Stewarts sodas as we made our way back: a Black Cherry for me and a Cream Soda for him.
To be fair I've had cream soda before, namely A-Treat, the makers of the very best orange soda a kid can dream of. But! This is the first and only cream soda that I've ever liked - EVER. I don't know why cream soda usually turns my stomach, but to me it usually tastes like old lady perfume or something similiar. I know, gross.
Well, I've changed my mind. This was really very good, although please keep your hands off my black cherry.
Today, we went shopping for parts and things and fabrics and other things. We are really trying to get this sucker done and kicking ass on the finishing touches is our life right now.
On the way home from Altoona (we were at the haven of all things cheap, Surplus City), we stopped at Clems BBQ (the haven of all things beautifully bbq-ed). Troy picked up two Stewarts sodas as we made our way back: a Black Cherry for me and a Cream Soda for him.
To be fair I've had cream soda before, namely A-Treat, the makers of the very best orange soda a kid can dream of. But! This is the first and only cream soda that I've ever liked - EVER. I don't know why cream soda usually turns my stomach, but to me it usually tastes like old lady perfume or something similiar. I know, gross.
Well, I've changed my mind. This was really very good, although please keep your hands off my black cherry.
Day155 - Keep your projects where I can see them.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008: On the internets:
I tried this new program today as a light box for the Noah photoshoot. It is called Carbonmade and it is a free online gallery for clients, friends, etc. You can find ours here:
It's clean and will help us keep up with projects in the long haul. I think it will be a great light box as we grow.
I tried this new program today as a light box for the Noah photoshoot. It is called Carbonmade and it is a free online gallery for clients, friends, etc. You can find ours here:
It's clean and will help us keep up with projects in the long haul. I think it will be a great light box as we grow.
Day154 - A blast from my blueberry past
Monday, June 2, 2008: My house: Pomegranate Blueberry Ice Cream
One thing I remember better than most is eating Turkey Hill neapolitan ice cream with my pop pop. It always was Turkey Hill brand. Everytime. Even if it wasn't neapolitan, from which I always nicked all of the strawberry, it was ALWAYS Turkey Hill.
And trust me, I wasn't the only one in love with it. When I worked in at a grocery store through high school, people would become ruthless when it went on sale. Cut throat even. Rain checks were never good enough - we would eventually sell out and everyone would be angry. Ofcourse, this was back when the container were cylinders with gold lids, not the current oblong shape they are now. Ah, memories.
We tried this:

It was really, really good. Better than I thought. Yum.

I would probably think it tasted good even if it didn't. It's the name that gets me everytime.
One thing I remember better than most is eating Turkey Hill neapolitan ice cream with my pop pop. It always was Turkey Hill brand. Everytime. Even if it wasn't neapolitan, from which I always nicked all of the strawberry, it was ALWAYS Turkey Hill.
And trust me, I wasn't the only one in love with it. When I worked in at a grocery store through high school, people would become ruthless when it went on sale. Cut throat even. Rain checks were never good enough - we would eventually sell out and everyone would be angry. Ofcourse, this was back when the container were cylinders with gold lids, not the current oblong shape they are now. Ah, memories.
We tried this:
It was really, really good. Better than I thought. Yum.
I would probably think it tasted good even if it didn't. It's the name that gets me everytime.
Day153 - Rocking out with my 329 out.
Sunday, June 1, 2008: State College area: Photoshoot
I went on a photoshoot, the first for 3twenty9 today, with Yana and Steph. It was for Noah Wotherspoon, a musician whose website we laid out:
It was a beautiful day, the property is absolutely gorgeous and my friends are awesome - what more can you ask for? Oh, you want a donkey. Well there was one. And a minihorse, and chickens and baby turkey chicks. So yes, the day was complete.
It was also the first time I held a baby turkey. It pooped on me! But it had the cutest turkey baby butt that I didn't care. Yana, if you have a picture, I would be much obliged to steal it from you.
Said chickens:

A chicken of another sort:


Mrs. Yana on the gorgeous property:

Thanks to Yana and Steph for such a great photoshoot.
I went on a photoshoot, the first for 3twenty9 today, with Yana and Steph. It was for Noah Wotherspoon, a musician whose website we laid out:
It was a beautiful day, the property is absolutely gorgeous and my friends are awesome - what more can you ask for? Oh, you want a donkey. Well there was one. And a minihorse, and chickens and baby turkey chicks. So yes, the day was complete.
It was also the first time I held a baby turkey. It pooped on me! But it had the cutest turkey baby butt that I didn't care. Yana, if you have a picture, I would be much obliged to steal it from you.
Said chickens:
A chicken of another sort:
Mrs. Yana on the gorgeous property:
Thanks to Yana and Steph for such a great photoshoot.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Day 152 - Why can't life always taste this good?
Saturday, May 31, 2008: Strawberry Cream cheese cupcakes: O My God
Today was Steph's b-day and because Troy's mom owes us a little favor we brought Steph these amazing, crazy, fantastic cupcakes. They are French vanilla with strawberry jam and cream cheese icing.

Please, start crying now because these may be the BEST thing that I've eaten all year. I may have gone blind with happiness. So light, so fluffy and cream cheesy. Jesus Mary Jane they were AWESOME FANTASTIC.

I want to start crying because they are gone. The website should be up and running shortly (around the end of june). If you need a cake, for weddings or for fun, please contact her. You will in no way be disappointed. I haven't yet… why do you think I stick around? For Troy. No! For cake.
See! Everyone is happy.

We went to the Brewery later. Some things happened including much drinking and bullshitting. This is me and Yana screwing around on the way. I took the cupcakes with me. They were THAT good.

Love that shirt. New shirt btw.
I tried to get a picture of it in the bathroom. It didn't work out so hot.

Here is Yana and Allen. I didn't get one good picture of the birthday girl sadly.

And me and Troy. He is a pig.

At the end of the show, everyone got on stage. Everyone but me and Troy cuz we are anti-social like that. And who would take this picture?

Happy Birthday Steph. Thanks for inviting us. It was a great great time.
Today was Steph's b-day and because Troy's mom owes us a little favor we brought Steph these amazing, crazy, fantastic cupcakes. They are French vanilla with strawberry jam and cream cheese icing.
Please, start crying now because these may be the BEST thing that I've eaten all year. I may have gone blind with happiness. So light, so fluffy and cream cheesy. Jesus Mary Jane they were AWESOME FANTASTIC.
I want to start crying because they are gone. The website should be up and running shortly (around the end of june). If you need a cake, for weddings or for fun, please contact her. You will in no way be disappointed. I haven't yet… why do you think I stick around? For Troy. No! For cake.
See! Everyone is happy.
We went to the Brewery later. Some things happened including much drinking and bullshitting. This is me and Yana screwing around on the way. I took the cupcakes with me. They were THAT good.
Love that shirt. New shirt btw.
I tried to get a picture of it in the bathroom. It didn't work out so hot.
Here is Yana and Allen. I didn't get one good picture of the birthday girl sadly.
And me and Troy. He is a pig.
At the end of the show, everyone got on stage. Everyone but me and Troy cuz we are anti-social like that. And who would take this picture?
Happy Birthday Steph. Thanks for inviting us. It was a great great time.
it's nice to see friends,
yum yum give me them all
Day 151 - Slow decent downhill
Friday, May 30, 2008: On the Run: Cherry Blasters
My recently reformed diet has been slowly going down hill. I blame the warm weather and my dislike of cooking when it is warm. Also, I like pizza and wings.
I think this may be my last hurrah because they were horrible. Notice they say "Flavor Bits." Flavor Bits are not yummy.

But I would chug cough syrup if it was cherry flavor, let alone a big hunk of dough. Troy really like them. I can only say I will do better in the future with my choice of overly caloric pastries.
My recently reformed diet has been slowly going down hill. I blame the warm weather and my dislike of cooking when it is warm. Also, I like pizza and wings.
I think this may be my last hurrah because they were horrible. Notice they say "Flavor Bits." Flavor Bits are not yummy.
But I would chug cough syrup if it was cherry flavor, let alone a big hunk of dough. Troy really like them. I can only say I will do better in the future with my choice of overly caloric pastries.
Day150 - Something Pop-Eye would like.
Thursday, May 29, 2008: My House: Spinach Pesto
We had a meeting at our apt last night for 3twenty9. We had a great group of people, including Jerm, Steph and Yana. The meeting did not go according to plan mostly because that plan was no where to be found.
But, we do know own the url and Don't ask, please. That is just the way our meetings go.
To tide people over until we could eat dinner, I pulled out this little jar from the fridge. Gayle bought us this quite some time ago and I'm embarrassed at how long it took us to try it - especially because it was so good.

It's not at all what I expected. I'm not always a fan of pesto, even though I enjoy basil. Just something about it turns me off. But this was really very, very good and I want to give a huge thank you to Gayle, even though it is somewhat delayed.
We had a meeting at our apt last night for 3twenty9. We had a great group of people, including Jerm, Steph and Yana. The meeting did not go according to plan mostly because that plan was no where to be found.
But, we do know own the url and Don't ask, please. That is just the way our meetings go.
To tide people over until we could eat dinner, I pulled out this little jar from the fridge. Gayle bought us this quite some time ago and I'm embarrassed at how long it took us to try it - especially because it was so good.
It's not at all what I expected. I'm not always a fan of pesto, even though I enjoy basil. Just something about it turns me off. But this was really very, very good and I want to give a huge thank you to Gayle, even though it is somewhat delayed.
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