Today was Steph's b-day and because Troy's mom owes us a little favor we brought Steph these amazing, crazy, fantastic cupcakes. They are French vanilla with strawberry jam and cream cheese icing.
Please, start crying now because these may be the BEST thing that I've eaten all year. I may have gone blind with happiness. So light, so fluffy and cream cheesy. Jesus Mary Jane they were AWESOME FANTASTIC.
I want to start crying because they are gone. The website should be up and running shortly (around the end of june). If you need a cake, for weddings or for fun, please contact her. You will in no way be disappointed. I haven't yet… why do you think I stick around? For Troy. No! For cake.
See! Everyone is happy.
We went to the Brewery later. Some things happened including much drinking and bullshitting. This is me and Yana screwing around on the way. I took the cupcakes with me. They were THAT good.
Love that shirt. New shirt btw.
I tried to get a picture of it in the bathroom. It didn't work out so hot.
Here is Yana and Allen. I didn't get one good picture of the birthday girl sadly.
And me and Troy. He is a pig.
At the end of the show, everyone got on stage. Everyone but me and Troy cuz we are anti-social like that. And who would take this picture?
Happy Birthday Steph. Thanks for inviting us. It was a great great time.
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