One thing I remember better than most is eating Turkey Hill neapolitan ice cream with my pop pop. It always was Turkey Hill brand. Everytime. Even if it wasn't neapolitan, from which I always nicked all of the strawberry, it was ALWAYS Turkey Hill.
And trust me, I wasn't the only one in love with it. When I worked in at a grocery store through high school, people would become ruthless when it went on sale. Cut throat even. Rain checks were never good enough - we would eventually sell out and everyone would be angry. Ofcourse, this was back when the container were cylinders with gold lids, not the current oblong shape they are now. Ah, memories.
We tried this:
It was really, really good. Better than I thought. Yum.
I would probably think it tasted good even if it didn't. It's the name that gets me everytime.
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