It has been hot. Hotter than you can imagine the past few days. I think Kyle said that it was 100 on Friday in Lewistown and he had the added joy of watching people lay asphalt. In the garage it was probably 5 degrees warmer than outside. When you are in the cab of the truck it is probably 3 more degrees warmer than the inside of the garage.
And it's humid. And miserable. And these freaking locusts are deafening. They drive you to madness, or very close to that edge, and only stop when the sun finally goes down sometime around 9. It's more than miserable, it's close to hell actually.
Yesterday, we were here all day and worked near non-stop. I drank a half-gallon of water atleast. I just got so hot, I sat down and fell asleep. I looked over at Troy and he was sprawled across the floor, so I fell back asleep. It was just that hot you didn't want to do anything else.
But the deadline is close. Really close. So you do what you have to do and that is not giving up.
Although I wanted too - I told Troy I was many times. He would tell me to go home in this really weird tone and I would end up staying and working harder, pushing myself the extra 10% that comes with working 110%. I think that I may be developing character.
The first thing that we got done today, a miracle in itself, was to get the back window to fit. I think in all over the past 3 days, it has taken around 10 hours to get it to fit. In the process of installing a window, you first must wrap the glass with a rubber gasket, then use a special too to install a locking strip that keeps the gasket in place. Then your supposed to use rope and soapy water with some pulling and tugging to work it in.
That didn't work. And worse than it not working, it chewed the very expensive gasket to hell. This was Friday. Kyle was inside holding the slippery glass with this glass vacuum holder we bought somewhere. It's cool in a I'm-going-to-rob-some-daimonds kind of way.
It is hot in that cab. After a while your arms shake and your palms sweat. As well as your back and neck and legs. Your gross when you come out, not to mention that fact that your dejected that it failed again, probably for the upteenth time.
So we watched "Trucks!" again and looked for any tricks that could help us. We ended up getting a different brand of spray lubricant and that worked awesome. We also reversed the process: I sat on the outside and Troy pulled the rope from the inside. Wham, bam, thank you ma'am - 5 minutes later we were done. This is me right after we finished. It was around 11 am and I was sweating already. It was another hot, hot day.
The rest of the day was spent installing other stuff, like vent windows and trim. The vent windows are not going well already. That is going to be another pain.
The best part of the day is when we got to drive it for the first time. I let Kyle and Troy go for the first ride. Kyle put up a fight, but he deserved it. He's worked on the truck as much, if not more, than I have and has just been awesome the past two years.
It was no surprise that on her first trip, when Troy and Kylecame back to the garage, that Kyle was now driving. Here is me in the front seat on my turn up the alley. Keep in mind that this sucker isn't titled, registered or inspected in anyway.
She is loud, rattles like a fucker and is scary as hell to ride in. It was amazing.
This is her first trip into the open air.
She is low and mean.
We had another set back at one point. The fan is not hooked up correctly so the engine overheated. It was funny to see it spew fluid like a volcano from the trim holes in the hood. Well, as funny as that kind of thing can be.
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