Friday, June 27, 2008

Day163 - Hip Hop You Don't Stop

Wednesday, June 11, 2008: The Brewery: Hip Hop Caberet.

Yana dragged me from my anxiety laced den of Gypsy tonight. I felt bad about leaving Troy alone with the truck - there is too much to do. But he assured me that it was alright and pushed me out the door. I went begrudgingly.

I didn't make it to the Brewery without having a major freak out. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't good and I was near Troy by the time I finally got a hold of Troy. Yana did the best job of calming down and a few Corona's later I was doing much better.

The Hip Hop Caberet… well that was freaking awesome. It was put on by Love and Light Productions. I think the best part of the night was probably The Clover doing a cover of Rapper's Delight. It was so fucking good. Yes, good enough for me to cuss over.

Yana and I shot pictures for it. I didn't bring my camera because I'm awesome like that, but I did end up shooting quite a few with Yana's. I think we ended up taking over 350. If she tosses some my way after reading this, I will post them here.

Thanks Yana! I don't want to get all over, but I don't know how I would have gotten through the tonight or the week without ya!

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