Tonight, Jerm, Yana and myself rode in the back of the Gypsy truck for the first time while Troy and Steph drove in the cab. It was fantastic. Truly. On of my favorite and best moments of the year. It was hot out side and even hotter in and on the exhaust. But we all loved it. I mean loved it.
Troy, Jerm, Me, Yana. Picture taken by (and taken from) Steph. Thank you for many, many things Steph!
It started out a rocky morning though. We were pretty sure that their was no way to get it inspected, which was said to be a requirement of entering the cruise. (Surprise! It wasn't. There were many other cards not inspected, some of which won awards and others that did not even have windshields.)
I sent out an email telling people what happened and that set off an amazing set of events. In the end, the truck was inspected, friends were at our house, food was cooking and the night began to go way too fast.
I can't even begin to express how exhausting the day the previous 24 hours were. I had every emotion and am only wishing now that I had written it all down just so I have a better record of it. EVERYTHING from depressed to hopeful, hopeless to ecstatic. I wasn't on a rollercoaster - I was the rollercoaster.
I barely - barely - got out of bed in the morning. We were so depressed and exhausted from being at the garage until 2 am. It was about 1 am when we saw our dream slip from our hands - the new tires and rims would not fit on the truck, the vent windows were not installed properly and the exhaust was too short.
But we got it all done and inspected, and by "we" I mean Troy. He left the house at 9 am on Friday and I didn't have conversation with him again, alone, until around 6 pm on Saturday. I have no idea what he was feeling or thinking or holding up. And for us, that is abnormal.
Let me just start off by saying thanks to Wendi and Gayle for helping me get food ready while I was trying to talk to Tre about helping to birth 3 babies (yeah Tre!), greeting people, keeping track of Troy and every other visitor and taking my first shower of the day. Wendi pretty much did everything that I wanted to do and got just about everything set up. I mean it when I say she is the best thing to happen to Jerm. And Yana… well hell… she helped me laugh. I needed some of that when I was near tears and super down, so thanks to her.
At around 6 we got everyone down to the Cruise. I was wearing me awesome new dress. Steph and Troy rode up front. Steph did us the greatest kindness and gave us this amazing rug for the interior. It was nicer that I could imagine getting. Jerm, Yana and I all rode in the back while Wendi, Gayle, Ryan and Erin and Jess watched and cheered.
My dress looked something like this. Thanks to Jerm for the pic.
Jerm, Me and Yana.
We said it was awesome many, many times and how the truck was probably the coolest thing in the world. Maybe the best car/truck ever. And the look on people's faces - ha! Raised eyebrows everywhere.
After we came back to the house. Steph and Yana set up dinner, Allen cooked and everyone else kept everyone else entertained. The food was great, the people were great and the night ended up being great. I'm sad Yana didn't feel so great and it sucks that Bill didn't get there until most of the fighting was over, but I hope they both still had a good time.
This is the first time I made macaroni salad and pasta salad. They were both really very good. I officially love macaroni salad now.
Kyle and I had 3 rounds of bare knuckle boxing. I call it a draw even though I look worse for the wear. I don't think that most people realize how I can rumble - there were quite a few oohs and aahhs - but those that have known me longer were not surprised. Best part - the cops were NOT called. Everyone won!
Wendi giving me advice.
I've been in the chicken wing before… many times actually…
My favorite picture. Thanks Jess!
Second favorite picture. Thanks Jerm!
Love this as well. This will help me out for my future PFA.
Can I get overly earnest right now and say I love my friends. Really really love them. The best compliment that I got the entire weekend was from Gayle. Basically, she just listened to all the conversations all night and was just really entertained. "They are all funny!" she said or something like that. What better compliment can you have?
Some people left, some people came (like Bill), and eventually we all went to bed - some of us loudly (sorry gayle!), some of us at 4 a.m.
But it was such a good great day. I am so happy I got to live it.
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