Friday, June 27, 2008: My living room: Strawberry crackers.
Tonight Troy was having a bad night. He was pretty bummed out about something or other and wanted comfort food to eat it all away. He actually yelled "I want comfort food!" when I questioned him, which was funny.
About 4 months ago I got him addicted to peanut butter and jelly cracker sandwiches. He never had them before and now he can't stop eating them. I think that is hilarious because I've been eating them with my pop-pop for years and years. I don't think that I'm lying when I say maybe 25 years.
OH. MY. God. I've been eating pb&j crackers for 25 years. My head… I'm getting… whoo… it's getting dark…
I'm going to forget that fact. Yikes. Anyolder, I used this strawberry jelly that Mark and Jodie brought us back from the beach forever ago. This was super yummy and I loved it and it calmed Troy down as well. Side note: I really need to learn how to can.
And I don't know if you can tell from the overabundance of food posts, but I'm working super long hours right now. The project is almost over, but I'm super tight on time until sometime around Monday.
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