Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Day171 - Grab some Nookie.

Thursday, June 19, 2008: Spikes Stadium: Stalking Furries.

I think it's well known by most that I love going to Spikes Stadium. I love being around people who are genuinely happy to be somewhere. Generally, most people are happy there. Or drunk. Or drunk and happy. And I love the drunk and happy people.

We were the guests of Erin and Ryan.


We ate lots of food.


The Spike. I do not fear this deer.


The best part - I got some one and one time with the Nookie Monster. He is handsome, isn't he.


And we went in the truck for the first time. Here she is in front of Beaver Stadium. I feel like I should scream "We are…", but I will stop myself. I blew a lot of the cool stalking the nookie monster and I need what I have left.


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