Both of these are from Healthy Living. Both were really, really good. I don't know that they are ideal for cooking in mid-July, but I'm probably just bitchy because we have no air conditioning in our kitchen and it can quickly get to be a million degrees in there.
The Pork Chops were killer and super easy. Just a marinate of sugar, worcestershire sauce, garlic, oregano and lemon juice. Even though it was easy, they were still the best that I've ever made.
We had them with a greek salad. Haha. Funny.
I also made Chocolate Souffle. I think they were around 180 calories for a 10 oz casserole. I made them in these little casseroles that you would usually use for creme brulee. It all worked fine.
I mixed in mint chocolate chips because we were out of chocolate. I am the master of substitution.
I have no idea why I was making this face. Probably because making a souffle is hard, and it is only harder when your boyfriend is taking multiple shots of you making it.
Next you mix in eye whites. I was so frantic that my egg whites were whipped enough. Really. This was STRESSFUL. I just tried to remember everything I ever watched with Elton Brown.
In the little dish.
All baked. You have to eat these warm or the eggs will deflate and you will have nothing but a chocolate omelette on your hands.
Troy like the souffle, even though he hates, HATES custards of all kinds. I like it too, but I think it would be better suited for December or January when you need the heat. As you can tell, I hate the heat.
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