Monday, September 22, 2008

Day199 - Eve-a!

Thursday, July 17, 2008: Premier Theatre: Wall-e

I know I just schooled you all on "The Women" last week, so I'm going to take it easy on "Wall-e." I loved this movie and thought that it was beautiful and lovely and heart breaking and thoughtful - everything a Pixar movie should be.

Wall-e is the last of his kind - a trash compactor with a consciousness. He falls hard for Eve, a lady robot on a mission. They try to save humankind by getting them off their fat asses.

My only criticism of the movie (and Yana, I think you would have to agree with this as well), is that Pixar and Disney are in fact great producers of the nonsense we fill our landfills with. Everything from lunch boxes to cereal boxes. That is quite a bit of irony.

BUT, just as Cars has made me want to drive off the beaten path, Wall-e makes me want to get off my ass and do more for my community and world. And if I can take that away, then maybe kids who will no doubt watch this movie a gazillion times, will get that message too.

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