| I did not realize that I was sooooooo far behind on this blog. Cripes. It really creeps up on you. Where did I every leave off?
Let's start with…
Friday - Sat: 6/15-16/07: Bellefonte Cruise.
Now this really isn't new. I've lived here forever now and I live downtown where all the magic happens. It's completely sad that the truck is was not done but not unexpected. We are hauling ass, probably as you read this in fact, but it will have to wait to make it's debut next year.
But I like the cruise and, while the event may be a repeat, the experience is always different.
Like we hung out with Mark and Jodie! The soon-to-be-wee Dello will make his/her debut at the Cruise next year as well. Until then, we tried and failed to get Jodie to like pulled pork. The cop-ers, however, enjoy it. It should not take an offer of cheese fries to get us back together again! Ahem, busy beaver Jodie!

While there, we saw a real, live do wop group. I have never seen one in person. It's kinda like spotting a rare spotted monkey or something. And just as cute.

Off topic (You can skip this part if you like). Good bye Ni! We will miss you and your southern friendliness. It sucks that we didn't get a group picture and I'll regret that until we see you again.
Anywho! Gayle came up to check out the scene (Ew. That sounds lame, but I can't think of another adjective.). It was great to have her stay with us. She filled us in on her house hunt. We made her eat boneless wings. Such fun.
Gayle "jugging up" a rat rod.

Poor Troy. He only has us girls to gawk at the cars and we were busy yaking about buying houses and stupid people. Such a tough life that one has. We also did not get one Crotch Shot..
Here is Gayle and the Beas. We took both of them to Reynold's park for a good splash in the cool creek. After about 10 minutes in the water, this conversation goes down:
Troy: I smell something rotten. Gayle: Oh, yeah. What is that? Troy: Smells like something is dead. Me: Holy shit. Check out that dead fucking possum on the bank!
And there is was resting on the shore. A fucking dead possum. Bloated. Half in water, half out. NEVER EVER DRINK WATER FROM A CREEK. Giardia will get you!
Onward. Beasley looked great afterward. Such a shining star. Here is a pic of the two.

Sunday, 6/17/07: Fathers Day Picnic.
We had a father's day/anniversary dinner at Troy's grandparents house. It was a nice day although it was crazy hot. I sat in the sun all day, sweating like a woman of ill gotten gains in church but luckily I did not get burned! Hallelujah.
This is the first day that I had ever seen a hummingbird in person before. So tiny. From our conversations, I learned that there next is the size of a quarter, making there eggs the size of pencil erasures. Also, they are supposedly friendly and nosy. They are certainly tiny enough. Here is one of many, many pictures.

I also got to meet Troy's grandparents birds. So pretty. Dazzling really. I want to paint something these colors, whether it be furniture or a painting.

So during the week I worked at the garage for most of it. One night Troy and I worked on a website (You'll all see that soon enough) and then on…
Thursday, 6/21/07: Ryan & Erin's House:
We did some DIY. Ryan and Erin may or may not be selling there house (probably not) but in a mad rush to get a renovation done in time for the realtor, we helped Ryan finish up this room. I've neither painted a floor nor used sticky back tile, but I would do each again. It was fun but exhausting. I unfortunately do not have a picture of the after with the molding up, but I can assure you that it is top notch.
And that I need a nail gun. Badly. In love with a nail gun.

Here I am, fighting the hot again. Yikes. What the hell is wrong with me.

Mr. Ryan. So not my brother-in-law.

End result. Ryan did all of the work. We just "batted cleanup" as they would say…
Friday, 6/22/07: Medlar Field: Spikes and Zooperstars
…At the baseball game!
Last year I went to a Spikes game for a work-related "thing." This is when I first layed on what is now known as a Zooperstar.
I love, love, LOVE Harry Canary. I am bursting at the seems. But let's start at the beginning.
Here is a picture of us at a pre-game happy hour at the Ale House. (My Spinach-Artichoke Dip puts there to shame BTW). Unfortunately for everyone else at the table, the only people actually to make it to the game we Jess, Dee, Troy and me. Suckers.
Also, Maura bagged as well. She is a grown-up now with a mortgage.
What she missed is all of this:
The hamburger run.

Some Fine Ladies.

A Fine Man trying to grasp the intricacies of the game.

Some hot tail. Jess took a very unfortunate picture of me with the spike. I looked a MESS. Really. When I was sitting back down, Troy swears the Spike checked me out. Whatevs. Troy is Crazy with a capital C. In retaliation, I took this pic of Ike the Spikes ass. Now he is duly objectified.

Here is Nolan Rhino having a dance off against a Johnstown Jammer bat boy.

It didn't end well.

Here is a view of the field. Lovely. One of the best views of Happy Valley from Campus.

Here is what passes as nutrition at a spikes game.

As well as a close-up of a deep fried Twinkie. Oh God.

This is Clammy Sosa. He munched on a Spike bat boy. Dang. Bat boy's need some serious hazard pay.

Then, lovingly choked him back up. Nearly naked.

See. Loves the Zooperstars.
This is my hotdog. It is 25% smaller than Jess and tasted like beef jerky. Even though Jess bought them at the same time. It was good. I'm not going to lie.

The jugs of beer at the park are almost as big as Jess' head. Now that's a jug.

Back to the Twinkie. This is what it tastes like. See Maura. Not all good.

And even though it wasn't that great, Jess really wasn't that ready to share.

Because everything is better with animation.

More Zoopers.

More Tail.

Harry Canary singing "Take me out to the ball game." I have video of this that I'll upload soon.

Jess in mid-stalk.

Here is the group of kids running after Harry. I am leading the pack although you can not see me.

This is me. Standing him down. He must think I am on crack. I know in my head that it's just some college kid, sweating his ass off, trying to make a buck so he can go get wasted. But in the reality of the moment, I was in front of a larger than life, living, breathing cartoon. It was overwhelming. Total rock-star moment. I think the look on my face says it ALL.

As a closer for the night, I bought cracker jacks and Jess bought a very large basket of onion rings. They were big enough to be bracelets. But so yummy.

That about ends the recap. Thanks Jess for binging with me. I was so sick the next morning. Ball park food is out of sight but completely toxic. Soo good. I had a great time. Great Great GREAT! So much so that we went again the next day (but I'll save that for next week!)
Later on Friday night, we stopped by Relay for Life at the Bellefonte HS. I've never been to one before, although they've been going on since I was in HS. and my sister just walked one with my Nana this month. My Nana survived her bout with lung cancer last year. Eight years ago, my mom did not. I usually always donate and buy a votive but next year I will walk. It's a great cause and I can speak from experience that they do a great deal for those in the battle. Get ready to write a check. You have 11 months.
So! I'm done. I'll have another post on Friday. Swears. We are inching so close to the mid-year point its crazy. I have to step it up into high gear. For reals!
Ugh. I'm tired and can't think of anything clever to end this with. |
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