Sunday, September 09, 2007
Right now, I'm at Troy's garage, listening to Troy and Ryan talk about god-knows-what, while they think hard about how to wire the truck. YES! we are at the wiring stage of the truck construction and it is an exciting time for all. Well, for everybody who isn't wiring--which is pretty much just me and I'm busy talking to you.
And it's raining a little, maybe a sprinkle, and the air inside the bay has that wonderful fresh rain on pavement smell. It's probably one of the last of the year, barring any horrendous hurricane that may sweep up the coast.
Well, enough of the environment and on to the task at hand…
I don't know that I really did anything new myself this week - although it would help to know that if it didn't happen over a month ago. Ah, sadness.
Two pretty big things happened to Troy and Tre -- they both got tattoos for the first time at Tattoo Marks in State College and they were both done by lowercase j. They rock the house. I'm actually kind of jealous because they both look really good and healed better than mine did. So screw them! Here are a couple of pictures!

I took this while she was laying down. I thought it was funny and somehow reminds me of when we were kids and we watched Little Shop of Horrors.

This is her sacred heart done. The colors are very old school:

We have a tradition when you get a tattoo: pizza before (so you don't pass out) and then ice cream after. This time it was Hi-way pizza before and Stone Cold Creamery after. I got a strawberry blonde and it was great. I don't know what Troy got, but he liked it.

This is Troy's tattoo session. The first question everybody asked me when I sent them a text message after was "Did he pass out" followed by "Did he cry?" He did neither.

Shot right after.

Here is a close-up. Justin's line work is pretty good.

I took this at night while we were on a walk. It doesn't really have anything to do with anything - I just think that it looks bad ass.

Tattoos are addictive, not only for yourself but those around you. Mine caused a chain reaction with Troy and Tre and I'm sure that it will go on.
Saturday, 8/11/07: Phillipsburg: Metalfest
I have known many rockers in my day, both those that sucked and those that actually did rock. I even went out with a lead singer many moons ago, but his band had more aspirations than actual club dates and he wasn't anywhere near a rock star. He was more of a monumental douchebag creep. That's neither here nor there. This is about my buddy Jerm and his band The Reason.
The Reason was playing at a Metalfest in Phillipsburg and Troy and I went along to keep the scene alive. Some of the bands just out and out sucked and they were mocked cruelly -- by us. There were many jokes about hating your dad and loving your buddies too much. One really good joke about being pissed because your mother-in-law didn't do your laundry right. Ask me in person and I'll fill your ear.
Jerm's band had a good set and did a great cover of Clutch. Then, Jerm broke out some Phil Collins shit and started singing. I was impressed and it seems like that dude can master just about anything. Dick. No, seriously, he's a cool dude.
Here is a shot of the lake while they were playing. He was hassling us because we didn't mingle with metal strangers. Whatevs. I keep to myself.

The bands after him got worse and worse, until we finally broke down and took off. Also, the dudes in the little Pit kept getting more and more shirtless and for some reason, shirtless guys make me nervous. Really nervous. Middle-class white rage is a scary emotion to behold. Besides that, I've been next to enough sweaty white dudes in pits to last me a freaking life-time. Ugh.
We saw Gwar years ago at the Crowbar. Gwar puts on a mad-crazy show and you are a total mess when you get off of the floor. The Crowbar wasn't a really large establishment and the pit could be claustrophobic, and encompassing and enveloping. This tall dude with dreads was standing in front of me for a good half hour. He smelled so bad, kind of like when you leave your clothes in the washer over nigh. Except in his case it was for a couple of day. Pee-yoo! And they he got sweaty and was covered in Penguin shit and blood (that's how Gwar shows roll. Trust.) It only made the smell worse and I was scared to death that something was going to jump from his dreads to my hair and I didn't want cooties.
Long story short - this is why I don't really car for sweaty dudes… especially when they are shirtless.
I digress. Here is a picture of the park where Metalfest was held. It was beautiful and I can't think of a nicer place to be on a Saturday night listening to a band caller Suckertwat.
Well, that's it kids. Next post is about our vacation in Chincoteague and is sure to be packed with pictures, so you'll have an easy time on the reading. |
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