Sunday, November 18, 2007

Week 25/26 - Settle in kids. Your going to be here awhile.

**This is the first of a long 2 week post. I hope your ass doesn't go numb.**

I just finished giving my pig, Toofy, a really nice hair cut. He's nice but dumb and has a really nasty problem of laying in his pee. Thus the 15 minute ass shaving. He's looks relieved. I'm probably projecting.

I really want to wiki some stuff and finish reading or dlisted, but I'm going to sit her and relay all of the crazy/mundane things that have been going on.

So, it's July. I'm over halfway there. I've done a lot of stuff, but I don't think that I've done anything extremely life changing. I've thought a lot. Overanalyzed tons of junk. I fear that I may be psychotic and have seen my future. For a spell there, I truly believed that a duck changed into a rabbit.

But, this isn't a clip show. I'm not going to post some long, boring synopsis of my past six months. This isn't my diary. Save that for a rainy day. Or for a day when I haven't procrastinated.

Let me say, that among everything else that I have done/bought this year, my camera is my favorite. Otherwise, I would not remember half of the mess that I write. iPhoto as well. If you don't have a mac, download Picassa by google. It's a rip-off (or a tribute) to iPhoto. Do it. Do it now!

Saturday, 6/23/07: Spikes Game: Box seats.

Ok. So my last post was lousy with Spikes pictures. So many. Tons. And I have so many more that I didn't post as well as some video. The next day - we went again. Here is a good picture of the field. And one of Bobby, Cathy and Dave from NBR. And one of this large dude that kinda looks like Troy and has a small Asian child.

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Sunday, 6/24/07: Old New York: I love food!

A few years ago, one of the best schnitzel places in Bellefonte burned down, and along with it the only decent cheap bar. Schnitzel's Tavern has reopened under the name Old New York and it is so good. So so so so so good. Punch a squirrel good.

The place is gorgeous too. Here is a picture of the right side of the restaurant and our beers. I'm not sure what I picked - something german for sure - and probably had "wise" in it, like heifenwise.

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Our bellinis (potato pancakes to those not in the know). $5 for two. My nana would roll her eyes, toss down the menu and say "As if!" Ha. But I'll pay that much. At almost a half-inch thick and teaming with onions, they were probably better than any that I've ever had. Granted, the bellinis back home are 2 for a dollar (sometimes 3 or 4) and cooked in sea or lard.

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Next! Our sandwiches. You can still get all the schnitzel that you want, but they also have a huge variety of deli sandwiches and salads. I think mine was called the Dimaggio. I picked it because it had saurkraut on it, and they make some of the best saurkraut I've ever had. Also, there potato salad. To. Die. For. I would live in a vat of it. I don't even like potato salad. I didn't even eat it until I was 22 and I will only eat Troy's mom. And maybe my Aunt Jean's (I could digress and tell you a story about my pop-pop Teddy getting into a mini-tif with me over whether or not my Aunt really made it or if it was someone from church. But not today).

Here is a picture of Troy's and mine. He got something that was like a Rueben, but not. It has there red cabbage on it. My mouth just watered. Crazy.

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Later that day, we went to a house that Ryan and Erin were thinking about buying. Here is a picture of the muskrat that was living in the pond. 3 babies! Too cute.

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Monday, 6/25/07: Kathy's: My Eyebrows

I said a couple of weeks ago that I would like to get something waxed. Well I did. It was my eyebrows.

This is a picture before from Old New York.

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I went with Troy's sister-in-law Erin. She goes to this chick tri-weekly and I tagged along. Five dollars, ten minutes and a few yelps later I was minus eyebrows but plus bigger eyes. Introducing my new eyeballs!

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Now this one is directly after. Please excuse my unfortunate chin.

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Ordinarily I wouldn't post such a bad shot of my chubby chin, but I just wanted you to see the wincing. It's a bad angle people!

Here is one of my new eyebrows. And Tre' foot threatening me.

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Everyone has liked them and it helps the newness of it all. Kathy really hates "those catepillars" on your face and I appreciate her speed. Thanks to Erin for making the appointment. It was a real good time.

Tuesday, 6/26/07: The garage: Brake line.

I now officially know how to bend, install and bleed brake line. So grrrl of me. I'm not going to bore you with many details but here is a general breakdown.

All of your break fluid runs from the master cylinder and resevoir through 3/8 and 1/4 inch metal tubing. It is a strong tube, but also quick to bend and even easier to make look a hot mess. To make it even more annoying, it weaves in and out of the frame and engine. That little red thing is Kyle's bender. The tall thing it Troy. He's holding the after versions of the pipe. Actually, the after is a piece that was a mock-up. We re-bent the another piece so that it looked a little less wonky.

Exciting I know. But what a really neat thing to be able to say that I did. I don't want to ruin the excitement or a future blog, but we finished up bleeding them this past Saturday. It's really gross and messy and my nails still look dirty. I guess dudes don't bitch about those kinda things. But I don't have a wang, so I don't care.

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Here is Kyle bleeding the front break. Bleeding breaks is kinda hard when your doing old school and without any technology. I sweated a little.

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This is the pile trial and error.

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This is me under the truck, wrapping all of the brake line in a protective tubing.

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Also! We put in new shocks. They were so rusted on we (and I mean Troy) had to use an air chisel. He did the left and I did the right. Here is a picture of the one screw that broke. It set up back a day.

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Friday - Sunday, 6/29 - 7/1/07: Frackville. All kinds of stuff.

So I took my monthly trip home and did some many things. It felt like a week trapped in 3 days, but that's the way I like it. I would rather be too busy than sleep my time away.

Friday. We got home a little late, probably around 6:30. I was supposed to meet up with my of my oldest friends from school, Jennifer, but I was shitty about making plans and it didn't work out. Instead, I went to an outdoor movie and the Elks club. It was a community event and they give out free popcorn. We chilled out with my brother and his little friends.

Let me say that it is crazy that my little baby brother is all of a sudden a little dude. He is a wee person and it hits me - like a ton of bricks - that he is old. And that I can remember being his age clearly. It really bothers me as much as I find it thrilling. His interactions with his other 11 year-old friends is so weird. I know that I hung around with a lot of 11 year-old boys, but I don't remember them being quite so dumb. Or ridiculous. I fear I lost the magic of being young.

And, it's funny that my name is "Tyler's sister" as in "Hey, Tyler's sister, can I borrow your cell phone…". But it's funnier that Troy's name is "Tyler's sister's boyfriend." And that they will say it loudly in front of us. Ha!

So here we are at the movie. We got into a good slap fight and Tyler wouldn't sit close to us.

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Oh, oh, oh! The movie was Cars btw. It might be my most favorite Pixar movie after Monsters, Inc. The theme of the movie made me feel like a dick and somewhat depressed. And Owen Wilson kind of ruined it by voicing the main character (all I could think of through much of the movie was him all fucked up on mescaline in The Royal Tenenbaums - a favorite movie of mine - and killing that dog.). It was GREAT as a whole though and we'll probably buy it to watch too many more times.

OK!. I'm going to break up this post and split it two. This is just too long and the next couple days rocked. Stay tuned!

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