| Holy crap. It's September. I think that it might be the worst month of the year, if only because it is either intolerably warm with Indian summer or intolerably cold with early frosts. I just want to be warm. Luke warm would be perfectly fine.
These weeks were warm but you could definitely feel the chill. My skirts will have to be put away soon which saddens me. Our tomato plant is FINALLY starting to pop out some yummies for the guinea pigs and Troy. The leaves will be changing momentarily and then I will have to huff and puff and rake. Oh fall.
Saturday, 9/1/07: Hazleton: Superbad
Troy and I went to see Superbad with Tre and Nick. It was really crazy funny. I think that you should see it, if only to see the coolest cops in the history of teen films. The whole theatre was laughing out loud!
I think it is closer to how I talked with my buddies in high school and college than American Pie. AND the more I like this movie, the more I hate Jason Biggs.
Sunday, 9/2/07: Ashland, Pa: ABA Parade
Definition of the ABA Parade:
The Ashland Boys Association, established circa 1901, remains active in the borough, and continues to host its annual Labor Day parade based on the association's age-old tradition of inviting its boys back to their stomping grounds to celebrate fond memories of growing up in the Anthracite Region.
That is for all my homies that have never stepped a toe into the coal region. It is also called the Ashland Mummers Day Parade.
Some of you know how I feel about the Mummers. I lurve them. They are rock stars to me. I actually cried in their presence. I. Cried. Here is a picture of me with the a the band leader of a Polish Mummer club.

Anywho. This is the first time I have been to the parade in about 10 years and I spent it with a very good friend, and the best locker partner in the world, Kat. I also got to see Cheryl, who I haven't seen in about 10 years. I really have to thank Kat for letting me chill with her. Most of these pictures are in my photo album, but I'll share some here as well.
Here is Cheryl and Kat. I'm doing that blur thing on my camera again. I'm sure that when I'm 40, I'm going to be really pissed off that all my pictures are blurry - but fuck it.
For some reason (?), Kat has horns and Cheryl has a halo. I guess that's saying something…

Me and the very pretty Kat.

Troy bought me a glow wand and a glow necklace. He really is quite the amiable boyfriend. But then again, I don't bug him for diamonds and Gucci… I bug him for glow wands. I'm not sure who is winning. So the rest of the night, I took photos with them.

Here is the glow wand in action.

Here is one of the pictures that I took with the mummers. I have another couple. He was very nice and quite the looker in all those red feathers.

One of the biggest surprises was seeing Sarah and her daughter Jade again, and meeting her husband Frank and there new baby boy. Good looking kids, btw. Sarah was one of my first really close friends that I made in high school and we were BFFs through out. We lost touch over the years, but I still love her tons.

These photos are after I got home and talked to Tre. The rainbow sword took away all of my acne in these photos, so it it quit magic.

Monday, 9/3/07: Elysburg, PA: Knoebels
Ah, Knoebles. This is one of my best memories from childhood and I love going there every year. I think that if we ever did move to the other side of the world, or the US, Knoebles would be on my top 10 list of things I miss about PA.
This year, we convinced my Pop-pop Teddy to go after about a 10 year absence. He had a good time, although we had to twist his arm a little to do so.
This was taken on the train ride when we were going through a tunnel. Pop-pop was ducking so he didn't hit his head and making some "Whhhhhooooooooohhhhhhhhhh" noise. This is part of where I get my silly from.

Tyler and Pop-pop were checking out the fish in the stream. I wish this picture had a better angle, but I think it's amazingly cute.

Here is Rick and Troy getting into cars in the bumper cars. This was probably the best time that I have ever had in bumper cars. EVER!

I don't think that I've hung out with Rick in about 4 years, but probably closer to 5, which is a shame because we were really close some time ago. So it was really great to see him again. We got to talk quite a bit while Tyler took Troy on all of these rides that spin.
Rick and I went on this ride together. It's called the Looper, although it should be called the Puker. You make the ring spin around while going around in a circle by pulling a lever. Rick was in charge of this and we kicked everybody's ass by going the fastest with the most revolutions.
But it made me realize that I am not young and that I now get dizzy fast and strong. I was useless for the rest of the day. But it was a good time while it lasted.

After this, we went to the arcade and spent to much money and rode the gasoline boats. I drove Rick around in a crappy boat that had NO power. We held up the line while 3 boats passed us. So it goes. It was still a great day and I slept awesome that night.
So, that is that. Another week down and out. By the time you read this I will have passed 2000 total views of my blog. Not bad considering I didn't really post over the summer. Thanks for reading, I hope I made you giggle. |
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