Let me just start by saying that Troy is Tivo-ing one of the shittiest shows right now, Hard Shine. And what is worst than that is that he's at the garage and I can't watch anything else while it's Tivo-ing. So I want to kill myself. Instead, I'm going to write this and when I'm finished I'm going to read a book. Or talk to Chinta. I haven't decided. I might call up Troy and give him a hard time. Ugh.
So I talked a lot about the washing machine last week. Here is me carrying a load in. It's probably not super interesting, but I want to remember it - especially what a pain in the ass it was - so I can appreciate the sweet sweet freedom of not going to the laundromat.
I still don't know if I like my eyebrows:

Lest you are jealous of the fabulousness of having a front loader, this is the space that we have in the "laundry room, " which is really our art supply closet. A packed closet at that.

Friday 8/3/07: Good and Evil Tattoo: I so didn't cry
So, there is a long story behind me actually "trying" to get this tattoo, but I'm so happy with how it came out that I'm not going to get into it. For the longest time I wanted to get something for the core of my family, and after a lot of hemming/hawing, some great ideas and some crap ideas I settled on design. I found an idea for it in a book called "1000 tattoos." I'm actually sure that there are more than 1,000 in there, but I'm not going to write a letter or anything.
I'm in love with it and the color is awesome. Bright and sunny - much like me. Hahahaha. I was stressed out and tense for the first 5 minutes and then I relaxed and it went really fast. Tony is a great guy and artist and I would gladly get another by him. In an instant.
And as I said above - I totally didn't cry. It hurt, but not that bad and trust me when I say that I've had cramps that were worse.
Check it out!
Here is the stencil going on:

My boobs aren't looking too shabby here:

In black and white, which I think would have been totally cool to roll with:

In color and done:

Tre and I have a pact to get a tattoo for our dad, lest he's jealous. And I have an idea for my Pop-pop and step-dad, but they are hush-hush. My plan is for a half-sleeve and no more. That could totally change! It took me 10 years to get this one. 10 years! It was a theme for the weekend as you will see next. So when I say that I want to get another one, please do not hold your breath.
Saturday, 8/4/07: Fountain Springs PA: NS 10 year reunion!!!
If you think that you're having a hard time believing that I had a 10-year reunion, you are not the only one. I thought I was going to loose my mind. I don't fee that old! I still get carded all of the time! But kids that were in the 1st grade when I graduated - just GRADUATED! And guess what, I'll probably do work for the fraternity that they are pledging to this FALL! GREAT TIMES.
Well, the one bright, shining star in this whole sad mess was seeing some of my friends again. Especially 3 of them! Kat (my locker partner) and Jen and Scott (two very good great friends). Compared to how I usually document my life, I took very little photos and I posted most of them to my myspace page already. That was the worst part - and that's not so bad.
I'm sad that some people didn't come, but I can't really blame them. If I didn't want to see my friends SO badly, I probably wouldn't have either. I'm a homebody and somewhat of a hermit crab. This was honestly the best chance that I had to see everybody.
Some highlights: chatting in the girl's room with assorted girls, seeing Sherah do so well, seeing Steph Buck doing well, meeting Scott's friend Jen (jesus, just the best bangs ever), seeing April Y and her bad ass sleeve, Ang and her old man doing awesome and Dana, eating that piece of chicken like a popsicle, getting just shitty enough, looking good in red, being catty and talking shit.
I tried to be as genuine as possible and I'm glad that so many people are doing well. Even those I don't really like. Especially those that have turned into either raging bitches or complete whores. You might suck, but atleast you changed -- stay golden! Some people, like a total and complete piece of shit * cough * Brian * cough* is still a complete and total piece of shit. It's like, wow, your that old and your still that hopeless. God bless any stupid bitch that births you a kid. They are both FUCKED. It's 2007, where have you been for the last decade? Douchebag.
I digress. Here are some pics of my homies who I love so. I would have loved to get more pictures of more friends. I almost feel as though I wasted some of the night and that I should have talked more with different people. But in the end, it all turned out like it should have. And maybe we will have a mini-reunion somewhere down the line. I have an idea of how to make that happen, I just don't have the complete idea yet.
Again, here are some pics. I keep getting sidetracked. I love you guys and miss many of you more than you know. KIT bitches!
This is a picture of me in Spring 1997. I was voted, along with my buddy Scott, most eccentric. Completely unexpected! After talking to my friends I discovered that I am the same as I have always been -- just more so.

I worked on the yearbook and was actually in charge of the "most" section - my first taste of graphic design. We needed a really good idea of how to stand out and this was it. Imagine my surpise when we could still do it! Our bodies might be different but our souls are the same.

I totally almost had a heart attack when I finally put Scott down and backed up into a hole in the stones. I JUST bought these shoes and they are totally killer. I should post a picture of them because I am in complete love with them. Anyway, the entire time I was holding him, I was just praying the heel would not break and I would be the chubb-o with a broken heel. I dodged that bullet but I am still paranoid about it.
This is Kat and Scott. When I was 14-16, I bought Kat a set of GREEN eyes for X-mas. They were those wobbly eyes, like marbles, that always point up no matter how they roll and they were the same color as her eyes. When she opened them up, there they were pointing up at her in a little white box. I only recently thought about how weird that must have been. That's how I know she's a true friend.

This is me and Jen and Ang. I'm sad that I lost touch with both of them because they are both so rad. Jen and my sister both double teamed me and tried to get me to smoke one day when we were cutting class or something. We were standing in the parking lot of the Frackville Vo-tech and they were both yelling at me "Do it! Just fucking do it!" I didn't and I'm still a square today. I HAVE NEVER SMOKED BITCHES! KISS MY ASS!!

Check my myspace pics for the other pictures. I stole them from Kat. There is a really good one of me and Kat and Jen in the bathroom. Truly, the only regret is that I didn't take more pictures. Everything happens for a reason and I think that it's just telling me I need to see these guys more!
Well, that's it kids. I am totally going to post a picture of those shoes. They make me happy. I know that you shouldn't care about physical possessions, but knowing they exist make me happy even if they weren't mine.
Maybe I have changed - 1997 Melissa didn't give a shit about shoes. Well, shoes that weren't Vans or chucks or adidas. But bragging about old shoes (that i still have) will have to wait. I'm tired and that shitty show just ended. |
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