Sunday, November 18, 2007

Week 39 - If he fit in my pocket, I would have stolen him.

This post is so exciting I don't even want to waste time writing some crappy back story. Just read…

Friday, 9/28/07: Bloomsburg Fair: Rufus.

I've been at the Bloom fair tons of times. That's not what this is all about. This post is about this guy, Rufus, the true love of my life.

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Handsome isn't he. Rufus is a capybara, the largest rodent on earth. Oh. My heart swells.

I've been keeping my eye on this guys since he was a wee lad 3 years ago (Rufus is about halfway to his goal weight 130 lbs.). So it's not the first time I've ever seen a capy - this is the first time that I have ever petted a capy.

There hair feels like hay. His disposition is that of a big, fat golden lab. He likes his belly rubbed and to be fed pellets made of hay.

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I want one badly. Of course, so does my dad and sister. It probably has everything to do with the fact that they look like big guinea pigs. My dad would probably name his Mumbly Pig or something like that.

Here he is eating out of my hand.

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And me giving him scratchies.

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I have video, but I'll be a son of a gun if I can get iMovie to do anything for me. I'll repost, so keep your eyes open.

If I do ever win the lottery, or become very successful and whatever, I will have one. Mark these words. I don't need world domination. I just need a fatty pig.

Also, I always talk about having a chicken. This is what they would look like.

This guys is a Polish rooster.

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I forget this guys name, but he is so kick ass even Troy liked him.

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