This week was filled with juxtaposition. I (we) finally broke down and bought a washer and dryer - only 10 years after moving out of my parents house. (Gosh, who's afraid of commitment here? It seems ridiculous after writing it.) Also, I read the entire Harry Potter Book 7 in less than 20 hours. At least I'm commited to something and his name is Ron Weasley.
Saturday - Sunday 8/22-23/07: My house: Harry Potter and the Deathly Harrows.
So we got back from NYC on Friday and I think that we directly went huckleberry picking with my pop-pop. I thought it was kind of cool to walk down Broadway at noon and then to be picking berries by 3. I was tickled. But I was also exhausted by the end of the day. I couldn't even think about staying up until midnight like I've done before to pick it up. So we went on Saturday on the way home and I started reading about 10 that night.
I woke up in the morning went to the laundromat, Troy left to play with his truck and I sat under the drying clothes in the backyard all day. My neighbor Pat was also reading the book on her back porch. I was excited that I was further along in the book that she was considering she is both a retired English teacher and works at Barnes and Nobles. I haven't discussed the book with her yet, but I'm sure I will. And Troy and her husband will roll there eyes and drink their scotch.
So, the book was awesome and totally surprising in all the right places. I'm surprised certain people died and others did not. I loved the ending and felt like enough questions remained unanswered that I could still dream about it for years to come. And it solidified my love for yet another ginger kid - Ron Weasley. Ahh…dreamy.
I think that I finished around 7 o'clock. I tried to suck it up and not cry in front of the neighbors, although that was a pretty tough not to do.
When we were taking down the laundry at 7 we discovered that alot of stuff had bleach marks on it - which is shitty because I don't use bleach. So the laundromat screwed us again and for the last time. Later in the week we took the hour trek to Altoona and bought a washer and dryer on super crazy sale. Such fun stories to be told with the dryer, including how when we opened it it was smashed by a truck. Awesome. I'm not going to bore you with the details, but after a month both are finally hooked up and working in the back room.
Also, I think that this was a sign from God that I shouldn't be so freaking stubborn. My life would have been so much easier if I just would have broken down years ago and bought a set. But everything happens for a reason and I think that reason was a 500 dollar price reduction.
Friday - Saturday: 8/27-28/07: Scranton: Rockabilly Run http://www.rockabillyrun.com/
Our buddy Jason was very kind to put us up for the night in the fair city of Scranton so that we could go to the Rockabilly Run. It was a really great time and I'm glad that we went.
Friday night was at a bowling alley. $10 bucks for non-stop bowling and rockabilly on the center lanes by THE COCKTAIL SHAKERS.
I think that we bowled 4 or 5 sets. My arm was killing me the next day and Troy and I both had black and blue marks on our legs from hitting them with the ball. Everyone got really great scores and Troy did better than I have ever seen him bowl. I think it was the rockabilly, because when they took a break his score tanked.
I took a bunch of rad pics. Here are some.
These are the socks that we had to buy because no one was wearing socks. God bless flip-flop weather. I'm sure they made a killing that night with sweet sock money.

Here is me with Tre and her poltergiest boyfriend Nick Danazi:

Sometimes things don't go well. "The Hombosky" is now when you bowl 5 straight sets of 9 pins. I bowled a Hombosky twice. Atleast.

I look like a midget which is funny because I'm much bigger than Tre:

I can't decide if I look good or if I look like crap. It's a toss up right now.

Some more Nick Danazi:

The next day we went to the actual car show. We didn't stay very long, maybe until noon. Here are some of the rides that we saw. Alot of this is in my future for next year when our truck is actually done.
Here are some of the best rides, in my own opinion:

I want this car. You can't tell from the picture, but it's very tiny. After Troy's truck is done, I want to restore a little car, maybe a Nova II. Or this guy. Or a truck. Trust me, we have a while to plan.

How this thing was even rolling on the road is a mystery.

This is it's gas tank!

God - how can you not want one after seeing all of these!
Another week - wow. I'm actually kind of mad at myself for waiting so long to write about it because I know that I forgot so much good stuff. But at the same time I can't wait until next year and actually be the one there with our truck making new better, kick-assier memories. |
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