Sunday, November 18, 2007

Week 32-34: Ponies are crazy!

Let's start off by saying that I'm no good at judging time nor with following the beat of anyone's drum but my own. Part of the reason why I'm so far behind in this blog is because of my tenuous relationship with time.

In the beginning, I wrote this every Wednesday because I had more time during the week to write then on weekends. Then in became every Friday. Then Mondays. Then once a month. Somewhere along the long windy road and this long intro I lost a week or two.

And because this was my vacation week, I'm collapsing everything so that I'm back on track. I hate when numbers are out of order -- particularly because I'm such a control freak.

Housekeeping is dumb. Let's get to the good stuff.

So last week (Thursday 8/9/07), Tre got a tattoo. This week (Tuesday 8/14/07) she got another one. Partly because she was freaking out about going to school and not having any time during the upcoming year to get another. Also, because justin is easy on the eyes. She brought up Tyler to hang out for the rest of the week. We offered to get him a tattoo and he said no. I said I would pay for the really bad ass tattoo behind him because it would make a really great back piece. He said no. When he turns 18 and decides "yes, I would like to be bad ass" I will show him this picture and laugh. And then probably punch him. He's cute at any rate.

Here is the tattoo. She got a rose for Tyler, me and my mom. It came out really great.

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A picture of a picture of her tattoo.

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Here is Tyler waiting in the room with us for Tre to get done. Everyone offered him his own tattoo (the flash behind him would make a great back piece!) but he was adamant about the NO! We'll see in 6 years when he hits 18.

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Then I will tell him to kiss my ass.

Friday - Friday 8/17/24007: Vacation: Chincoteague VA.

Every year we go to the same place and every year we discover something new about this little island in Virginia that is a bridge to the Assateague National Refuge. A refuge is different than a National Park, as we were reminded every other day, in that the refuge is for the animals and a park is for sloppy tourists.

This year it was me, Troy, Gayle, Beasley and Tyler. And as usual it was great and better than the year before!

This sign pretty much sums up our entire stay on the island. While we were experiencing wonderful sunny days, storms were tearing through the northeast (including one hell of a ice storm from what I hear) causing major waves in the barrier islands. I twisted my ankle, Troy had all kinds of sand burn and Gayle called it quits for ocean time by Thursday. Almost everyday the flags were black. That means your probably shouldn't swim but suckers are going to anyway. And we are suckers.

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Me and Gayle:

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Me, Gayle and Tyler:

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This was taken right before out night hike where we learned about bioluminecense:

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We met this guy along the way:

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On the refuge they have a bus tour that takes you the 4+ miles of mosquito infested woods to where the wild ponies are cordined off. This is to protect the ponies from assholes with cars and kids. This is us on the bus.

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This little guy tried to bite the sign off of the bus:

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A business that rents bikes and chairs has a few ponies penned up:

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The ponies on the VA side of the island are penned, but the Maryland ponies run wild. The MD side of Assateague is a National Park, so there is no short supply of assholes mentioned above feeding the ponies inappropriate food and trying to get little Mary to hope on Random Ponies back. Here is a pony staring at the changing rooms.

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The reason we went to MD is so that Beasley could live it up in the surf. Unfortunately, I don't think that the Beas enjoyed the rough waves (this is where I twisted my ankle btw).

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This is Troy and Tyler trying to conquer said waves:

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You can camp on the beach at this park. I over heard a women in the changing room talking about the horses coming up to your blanket on the beach to look for food and the life guards having to shoo them away. I didn't see it but I believe it. There are ponies EVERYWHERE. And if you don't see a pony, you will see poop. It's surreal. Here is the camp site that we walked past. One day next year we will camp here and then hike the 7 miles to VA.

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Here is a sand pit we made for Tyler. When he was in it, it actually went over his head. Little children everywhere were crying with jealous tears.

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On night we took the Trolley into town, which was about 2 miles away, and it never picked us up. I think we probably walked 4 miles that night, this was after our mexican themed dinner and a full day of swimming. It sucked, but we had an awesome time because we are awesome and have a sense of humor.

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We also stood in front of people's houses and took lots of pictures. Here is Gayle, Tyler and Troy doing the pledge:

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And this is what we think of the Trolley now:

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This just may be the best ice cream in Virginia. It's like a mirco-brewery but for ice cream That's strawberry cheesecake in the foreground.

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One of the most fun things that we did the whole time was spending a morning in the paint-your-own-pottery shop. I don't have after shots but I think that the winner was Tyler's fish he named "little puddin tater." Yeah, beats me too.

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By far the highlight of the trip, and easily the cheapest activity ever coming in at 5 collars, was crabbing. I don't like crab and I don't eat seafood, but it was pretty kick ass to try to catch one of these little suckers with nothing but a string, a sinker, a chicken neck and a net. One day we gave them away to a set of brothers crabbing for dinner with there parents and the other day we set them free.

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Here's a particularly good looking blue crab:

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No trip to Chincoteague would be complete without a night of mini put-put. Here is a little taste of what our night was like. I, of course, won with extreme prejudice.

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So that was it. I wish that I would have taken a picture of the car - it was packed to the gills and my back tire actually went a little flat because of it. I'm sad that summer had to come to an end, but this is the best way to end it. If you like nature and are turned off by random ho's on the beach, this is the place to spend a vacation. If I had "beach house" money, this is where I would spend it.

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