If you know me well, you know I own a lot of power tools. At one time, maybe more than Troy. But a reciprocating saw is not one of them. This guys is Troy's, one of the many that he's bought or received since started the pick-up.
Here, I am cutting some sort of pipe for the exhaust. I'm not really sure what it went to. I do know that I had to ham it up. I'm wearing some old school welding goggles because I couldn't find any safety goggles. A few days before I was fucking around with a grinder and a piece of something missed my eyes by an inch - I wasn't wearing glass that day, because some days, I'm not so sharp.
Here is a rather sharp photo of me kicking ass.
On Tuesday, I installed the transmission cooler and the radiator fan. It was pretty easy work and I only got a little dirty. I joke with Troy a lot that even when I do nothing, I'm usually the dirtiest one in the garage. I come home a mess every time. I'm not sure how that happens.
Anyway, here is the transmission cooler. It fits in between the engine and the radiator. I had to cut and flange 2 tubes that come from the transmission case holding some gross transmission fluid. Eck. It smells gross and is just a pain in the ass to work after you get it on your hands.
It does such an important job of not letting the transmission seize, yet it very delicate. The cooler is nothing but row and rows of thin aluminum.
Here is the fan.This will keep the whole shebang from overheating and stranding us on the side of the road.
Here is the mess of parts that it take to hook it all up. Both the fan and the cooler connected with these things that kind of look like zip ties.
Here is the finished job. It looks pretty swank.
Wednesday, 10/3/07: Garden: Tomatoes
Here are shot of our first tomato plants to actually grow AND produce. It was really exciting not kill something. The secret was poop. We made this raised bed in the spring and filled it completely with cow poop and, thank god, things actually lived and thrived in our hands.
Not everything made it though. The squash, cucumbers and zuchinni all succumbed to some sort of mold. And both of our pumpkin plants succumbed to the weed whacker of our piece of shit gardener. I cried for 10 minutes when I saw what he did. Seriously. This fall we could have had bad ass free pumpkins! But that asshole screwed me over yet again.
But, let's rejoice in the loveliness of these grape tomatoes.
Saturday, 10/6/07: Carlise PA: Fall Carlisle
I can't count the many times that I've been to the Carlisle car show. It's been A LOT. This is the first time that I've ever been to Fall Carlisle, which is the largest and overwhelming of all shows. Unfortunately, it was also the hottest October day EVER (at least in my mind) and I wasn't wearing socks in my Chuck Taylors. It was gross and miserable and we left exhausted. Atleast Troy walked away with a new tailgate and I walked away with a 20 lb. cast iron flying pig.
I also walked away with these - the largest blisters I have ever had. EVER. They are gross and I'm sharing the grossness with you.
Last time we went to Carlisle with Kyle, we stopped at IKEA. I wante to post this picture then, but I didn't. This is the bed spread we picked out after an hour of debate. It looks awesome with the brown sheets that we have on right now.
I think that close up, it looks like fish eyes and makes me hungry for Tapioca pudding.
We come to the end again but it's only the beginning of the month and fall. I'm still mad at the lawnmower guy, and I would totally toss away any good karma points that I have gained over the year being kind just to fuck up his day radically, but I'm happy that for the season and October is my most favorite month.
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