I have been dying to find a pair of shoes like these for quite some time. The problem - they are usually peak-toe. And because I have very large feet with very long toes, my toe cleavage usually looks like a T-Rex hand crammed into a shoe. Or like chicken toes. It's weird, I can't even explain it. Like an alien with one eye peeking out. Not at all attractive. Even Troy's like, "Yeah, why don't you put those back."
So after much looking I found these suckers.
I am in love. Unfortunately, I cannot find one green shirt or dress that I think is even remotely cute or cut for my long torso/monkey arms.
But I will keep looking because they make me swoon. AND they make me as tall as Troy. I can finally look that dude straight in the eye.
It's a long way down from up here.
Tre bought me these rad ass kicks. They are Sailor Jerry Converse. Also sized huge.
At night, Tre, Troy, my dad and our friend Rick went for dinner at Casa de Tella. It's somewhat of a tradition and every year me and Tre get into a fight with my dad about something, usually what boyfriend we came with the year before. My dad's memory is worse than mine so I never believe anything he remembers. Makes for a good time.
Here is me and the lovely lady sipping on margaritas. I stole this off her site. If I post anymore, I'll probably steal them from her as well.
Here she is again. She doesn't like this picture, but I think she looks pretty.
Again, I didn't take many pictures tonight either. Sometimes I get camera shy I guess or lazy. Late we went to our friend Jim's house. Long night…
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