Toofy is a big dirty guy with poor hygiene and incredibly thick white hair that he doesn't really care for properly. And it's impossible to brush him because he goes on and on like your stabbing him with an ice pick. It's just a comb, a wide tooth comb at that, so why are you complaining you gross bastard?
Today I gave him a bath and a haircut all by myself. Note for next time: wash him in either the kitchen sink or bathtub because he officially fills the entire bathroom sink. I would have like to have taken a picture of the whole ordeal, but he was pissed and ready to run and trying to clip his hair around his nether regions without making him into a girl was quite a feat. Because he is so fat, when you hold him certain ways he wheezes or whines. It both entertaining and disconcerting.
Here he is between bath and cut. Don't assume that because he looks like the Easter bunny that he was all shits and giggles right here. He is mad - raging mad and I was waiting for him to take a celebratory piss all over me. He did not. But you can see that his jib is still orange with carrot stain. That may never come off.
This is the business end of a Toofy. Because he is a male, he developed this lovely "grease spot" right above his ass crack. It's more like tar and impossible to get rid of. It's used to mark all of OUR shit so that Luke won't use it. Ha. Trust me, Luke will use it anyway Toofy! He doesn't care because he is a jerk.
Enough. I'm going on like he is my kid because he kind of is and it is getting embarrassing.
Still. Ah, here are two more. See, still stained from carrots. Also, do you see how big he is in my hands? He is HUGE. Filled mostly with water and giggles.
I love my brazen little bastard.
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