A few weeks ago while we were talking about how serious the cops were about catching speeders on 80, Tre joked that I was wrong and paranoid and that she has never seen a cop sitting on 80. I said, "Uh, your wrong. They sit right up here by Lamar." Well, I proved her wrong by getting pulled over in a blitz they were performing on Sunday afternoon. I was #4 of the 5 cars they had pulled over. I'm also proud that even though I was the next to last to get pulled over, I was the first one to drive away. I'm that special.
After I pulled over, I got out my license and registration and had them waiting and hanging out the window.. When he came up to the car he said that I surprised him and screwed up the speech he likes to give. Really, what the hell do people think when a cop pulls you over…to ask you for a brownie recipe? If you saw the Knicks game last night? No! To ticket your no good ass.
And too be honest I was completely hauling ass - 80 in a 65, although I've gone much faster on that stretch of road even though I know better. And of the 6 or 7 times that I've gotten pulled over, that is only the second time I've gotten a ticket. It's sually just a warning. And because I'm such a good egg, and our back seat look like we obviously were coming back from some trip, I only got a failure to obey. NO POINTS! And the fine is lower than the fine I got for not paying the parking ticket some asshole stole off my car. Weeeeeee!
While we waited Troy and I joked about our nonexistent inter-state warrants. I wanted to call Tre, but we didn't want to reach for anything lest we get shook down. We were pretty light hearted the entire time chanting "No ticket. No ticket!"
Troy thinks there was a camo-clad officer hiding in the bushes closer to the Lock Haven exit, because we've seen them drop officers in the past. So I asked the officer how he tagged me and he said radar and I said "awesome!" I was so cheerful getting pulled over, I am surprised he didn't think I was completely high.
So, a completely long blog just to talk about a really shitty ticket that is completely my fault. I will try to haul less ass in the future, but I can't make any promises.
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