Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Day120 - I can be irrational.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008: My office: Kuler.

Woah. Woah. Woah. The bad mood I was in today was monumental and quite something to behold. I blame PMS mostly but some of it was work. I'm sorry for Troy - he bore the brunt of it and then sent it back to me. Not a pretty day.

One of the things that pissed me off irrationally was the Kuler color library in Illustrator CS3. I like Kuler before adobe bought it, but it was never my favorite color generator. I lost the link to my favorite when I updated to Leopard or somewhere else along the way. This is another good site though, if you are looking for color schemes.

Anyway. I used Kuler in Illustrator and then, through much aggression and cursing, I found how to shift them from RGB to Pantone. Here is an example of the color pallete and how to change to Pantone. If you need help, I will help you. But only because I know how much it sucks not to use it with ease.


Day119 - Stick to the blizzards please.

Monday, April 28, 2008: DQ for lunch: Bellefonte.

Today I had a bunch of errands to run downtown, and instead of munching down on a big salad I went to Dairy Queen and had a Grilled Chicken Sandwich for lunch. Lunch would have been better if I had a Strawberry Cheesequake blizzard.

The sandwich…eh. The salad would be better actually.

Here it is anyway.


That night, I wired my first light on the truck. I've been working on this sucker for awhile and I'm glad it's finally done.



This is what is going on in my life right now.


And this guy.


Doing this.


Day118 - I'll take it without the penguin.

Sunday, April 27, 2008: Flavor Burst: Greencastle.

I ate so much ice cream/bad stuff this weekend it is crazy. I ended the weekend with this sweet ice cream cone.


Minus the penguin. He wasn't there. Basically, it's soft-serve ice cream with a swirl of syrup all around it. I had black cherry and Troy had butterscotch. It was kind of the perfect amount of yumminess for a cone.

I do want to rip that cone right out of the penguins mitt now that I'm looking at it again.

Also, Kim gave me a lilac from her lilac tree without provocation. I lover her!


What a great day!

Day117 - Of cheeseballs and 10 spots

Saturday, April 26, 2008: Sean and Kim: Greencastle.

The past couple of days, we have been all over PA looking for parts for the truck. The few remaining bits that will make it move or pass inspection. Since we would be close to them, today we stayed over at Sean and Kim's. Like always, they were extremely awesome in there care of us.

We went to the local Food Lion in search of dinner, and Lucky Troy found a 10 spot on the ground. You would think he won the lottery he was so happy.


He of course handed it over to Kim for dinner. The same Plaza held a Goodwill and we stopped in. I found this pin which I am deeply in love with. It is so bright and happy. How can you be sad with this thing on?


I also found this bag. Wow. An argyle pleather bag. Lucky girl.


Then came dinner and a fashion show. Sean bought this outfit. It is fetching. He is missing leather sandals.


We had some Port Wine Cheeseball. Jess, I am sorry, but this was a little better than yours. I feel like I cheated on your cheeseball.


Then Sean made us these gigantic pork loin cheeseburgers. Wow, were they good. It was a bit of a trip to munch on a burger and have it be white - not red. Otherwise, just fantastic.


And yes, it was gigantic.


Later on that night we got into a fight about whether or not "The Punisher" sucks as a movie. It does. I'm not saying it's not entertaining, but it is bullshit. Grandma's Boy, on the other hand, was fantastic and I loved it. So, so funny. It was co-written and starred Nick Swordson (Terry, the gay rollerskater from Reno 911). What else do you need me to say to get you to watch?

Day116 - White Robin, not white rabbit.

Friday, April 25, 2008: White Robin: Frackville.


Yep. You saw that right.

An albino robin. Or half Albino maybe. It's breast is really red in person. He's been hanging out in my Pop Pop's back yard. Pop pop said none of the other robins will mate with him. I am unsure if that is true, but I'm sure Tre will correct me if I am wrong.

Tonight after we saw this in the backyard, Troy saw that there is a similar bird in Troy, Pa. First the bees, now this. Who needs to wait until 2012.


Day115 - Bridges and pockets.

Thursday, April 24, 2008: Williamsport: Market St Bridge.

Williamsport, Pa., I do love it still. Years after we moved away, it still feels like home. And like most hometowns, the more things change the more they stay the same. Because of friends and doctors I go back quite a bit, and it's always fun to play the game of "That's new" or "What is Pineapple Grill called now?" or "When did we get that crack whore?" Good times.

Today I had an appointment in Williamsport and I was lucky enough to have Troy drive down with me. Every time I see the fountain in front of the courthouse I think of him and I. He threw me in it shortly after we started dating. Yes, we have always been that kind of couple.

The city has been working on the Market Street Bridge since we still lived there. Apparently, it's been open since October! Where have we been? Oh, right! Living here. I guess I don't have many occasions to drive to South side and roads to the ramps to the bridge are still a mess.


And it has circles on it! Can I play circles in the lottery?

But back in the day, this Bridge was my way home. This started my 1.5 hour drive onto Routes 15, 81, 54, 61. I should play the lottery with those numbers. We drove this way home today, and much of it looked the same. It's been at least SIX years since I took this last - a road I drove so many times.


Although it may seem boring to most, today a bridge was literally and figuratively just that: a bridge to life both past and present. So weird how your life can come full circle.

Anyway! Troy was hungry for some shopping, and I am in need of a new watch, so we headed over to TJ Maxx on the strip. I found this dress. It has pockets! And is yellow! And it's cuter in real life. I can not wait to wear it.


Thursday, April 24, 2008

Day114 - Free labor will never be denied.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008: The garage: Grease monkeys.

I can't believe it is the end of the month -how crazy is that? April is almost gone. Wow.

You know what else is wow? Jess came to the garage tonight lend a hand to the truck reconstruction. Our efforts are kind of slow right now and not very exciting, but she did help set up the face of this sucker so we are eternally grateful.

Here is the sucker before:


This is us trying to get a screw into a hole. Can you get it Jess?


Yep! She got it.




If you are eager to crank a wrench on this big beauty, show up after 6:30 almost any day of the week. Free labor will never be denied.

Day113 - You say potato, I say crostata

Tuesday, April 22, 2008: Home D: Boursinberry Turkey

Today was primary day and our household is divided between candidates. We have agreed to disagree and will vote with whomever candidate is ultimately chosen. I'm excited for the actual election for sure, especially since Karl Rove will not have his greedy shitty fingers in it.

Also! It was Troy's mom, Vickie, birthday. We went to Home D, now bringing my total days eating there to 3 out of 7. The bright side is that I ordered something new every time. Today I had the Boursinberry Turkey sandwich: Turkey breast, Boursin cheese, Raspberry jam and artichoke hearts on a croissant. Jeez Louise, that it yummy.


Troy got the Chick Brie (chicken and brie on a croissant), and although I liked the bite that I had - he did not. For desert I had this, an apple crostata. My first crostata! I'm going to try to make one of these soon.


So. Great day. Great dinner. Great life.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Day112 - You can make anything fit if you hit it hard enough.

Monday, April 21, 2008: The garage: Headlights.

Life and times at the garage are speeding up, which is evident in the lack of pain in my fingers and the ability to taste food and not dust. Today I had the pleasure of rebuilding a headlight. And I wasn't left with any pieces at the end so I know I did it right!

First, let me share this tree. I see this guy when we walk over to the garage and he seems excited to see me every time. He makes my day.


Also, I installed the vent back into the body of the truck. True assembly has begun and I could not be more grateful or happy.


This is pretty much how it started out - old nasty light inside rusted housing.


I had to break off this gromet to get the old wiring out.


New lights go in.


But to do that I have to take more stuff apart.


Then I had to do this to make the headlight fit. It's all very technical.


Bam. You cram everything back together with a hammer.


Then Troy tries to tell you he's renaming the business Weston Inc because he has this bad ass hand sign.


I also painted these. One is the bezel for the headlight, one is the house for the back up lights. Both are now red.



It felt awesome to finally build something with my hands instead of sanding until they near bled. The next couple of weeks should be filled with stories of me building a hot rod. You will have to deal with this.

Day111 - How much green is too much?

Sunday, April 20, 2008: My House: My new sweater.

I was able to get Troy to relent a little today, and instead of waking up and going straight to the garage, we went shopping for garden stuff. We were all walmart, trying to decide between huge sunflowers or really huge sunflowers and I found the cutest sweater in the world.

I've been looking for something like this for weeks and weeks - ever since I bought these shoes in fact. I love it! I think it makes me super tiny (This may also be because I lost another 3 lbs since the last time I weighed myself. Yay me!).


I want to one in another color if they have it. I bought a green skirt that day as well. What a green day.

That night, after meeting with a client, we went to dinner with Ryan and Erin. It was entirely too late at night to eat this, but I picked the hazelnut Crème Brûlée for dessert. I like pumpkin better, or for that fact just plain, but it was good. Troy liked it, which I love because now I can crank a few out without fear that I will have to eat them all.


Even though I went to bed with a stomach ache, it was another great, great day.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Day110 - It suits me.

Saturday, April 19, 2008: Rag and Bone: SC

I think my sister is addicted to Indian food. It's a pretty bad habit that I don't mind encouraging because I also love it too much. Today we went to Kaarma, our favorite place to go. We ate too much. Too much.

Afterwards, we walked down to Rage and Bone to see if we could feed Tre's other addiction - track jackets. I think the store is a little overpriced for clothing I could find at a really good estate or yard sale, but I see the value in the convenience of not digging through someone else's life.


Tre was out of luck with track jackets, but I was not. I found this black plaid trench coat. It is fantastic.


I've been looking for one for some time and everyone that I tried on looked like a potato sack. This one looks really good. I hate to say what I paid for it, so I won't, but it was worth every penny.

Day109 - If you asked me on a Monday I would say yes!

Friday, April 18, 2008: My House: Little Britain.

Tre and Nick came up tonight. We watched their dvd of Little Britain, vol 1. It's very dry sketch show and very funny.

Here is a clip with the Scottish Inn Keeper, one of Troy's favorite:

This is one of Tre's favorites:

Now we all have a problem quoting the show. It's problematic.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Day108 - Spring has sprung itself all over happy valley.

Thursday, April 18, 2008: State College: Photowalk

Today, Yana and I went for a walk with Brad around State College. We started at the corner of Beaver and Frasier and quickly ended up at Penn Skate to photograph some kids skating. Then it was on to old main and some nicotine addled squirrels.

We had a really great time. Lots of giggling for sure. And the boys at the skate shop were cute, yelling, "we are going to be famous" after getting their picture taken. They made me miss Tyler for sure.

After the walk, we ended at Zeno's. Thanks to Yana, I now know that they have Framboise Lambic on draft. The best faux beer for those like their beer to taste like jolly ranchers. Also, we finally got to talk to some of our fellow walkers. Everyone was really cool and very friendly. It was a great experience.

I'll post pictures after they are developed. Yes - developed! I took Troy's 35mm, as mine is still battery-less. I did not snap a single digital shot (although I will not stop short of stealing some of Yana's).

On the way home, Yana wondered why we had never done it before and I thought the same thing. It's such a good exercise for actually 'seeing' instead of 'looking' as Mr. Murphy, one of my teachers from college would say. And loudly.

After the walk, we went to Troy's garage to meet up with Troy and Allen. They worked as much as I thought they would, and the garage was not ablaze, so I thought was a win-win. We ate not healthy food and talked about life and work and dead parents. So good.

Really, just a great, good day. I've been having a lot of those lately.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Day107 - I'm gonna snap your picture.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008: My new camera: Yashica TL Electro.

I bought this camera on Ebay a week ago and it came today! I'm really excited!!!


Included was the camera body, 3 lenses (the Yashica lens, a fish eye lens and telephoto), a flash and this swank carrying case.


I am currently working on finding a battery for the light meter. The battery is not something that is readily available locally, so I ordered two online.


I can't wait to use it. I think that it's so good looking, mostly because it reminds me of a camera my mom had when were were growing up. Also, I am coveting this sucker right here (It costs more than my car, btw), and right now this is the closest that I can get to owning the body style.

The Yashica is supposed to have great depth of field which is why I bought it. I'll post the first pictures I snap with it in the future.

Day106 - Toofy von Grove, maybe?

Tuesday, April 15, 2008: The Brewery and The Warmingtons

Troy and I drug our old, tired bodies from the cave which is our house and skipped on down to the Brewery to see Jerm play. He is our own personal Phil Collins, drumming and singing in Mr. Grove.

They are great, and although I had to fight quite the crowd to reach the stage, they did rock our socks off. I can't gush too much because I refuse to give Jerm a big ego. Well… bigger than it is now.

You should see Mr. Grove now and often.

The Warmingtons also rocked. I'm changing Luke's name to Luke Warmington after seeing them, actually.

Maybe we can change Toofy's name to Toofy Von Grove?

Troy almost fell asleep twice. He was up for around 20 hours by now and a little sleepy.


I enjoy guys drumming on little drum sets.


The Grove in technicolor.


So, good day and good night.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Day105 - Raw, baby, raw.

Monday, April 14, 2008: My office: Think Organic bar

Troy and I read an article for these Think Organic bar. I'm not sure what to call it - the packages says "raw fruit and nut snack bar for true vitality." I guess you really can't boil that down to a slogan, huh. Mine was Cranberry Apple and it was actually very good if not entirely disgusting looking.

The article we read was in Brand Week and was focused on their marketing and branding campaign. The spent a lot of time and maybe some loot trying to find packaging that was eye appealing and non-traditional.


It certainly is different that most packaging that I've seen in the organic section at the market. The redesign is getting them all sorts of buzz, enough so that even Troy had to check it out in person.

Speaking of in person, here is a close up of the bar.


It looks like someone "momma bird-ed" it into a wrapper. But then you realize that it is 100% raw and everything listed as an ingredient is natural and organic: dates, cashes, apples, cranberries, walnuts, almonds and some sea salt. That is impressive really.

Here is my thought stream after the first bite, "Um, no… What is the big deal… wait… maybe… no… hmm… yes… where is that damn bar… gnosh, gnosh, gnosh… I'm finished - I need another."

Then I fiended for one for the remainder of the day, leading me to believe the secret ingredient was crack. I guess it's worth the price.