Friday, April 18, 2008

Day108 - Spring has sprung itself all over happy valley.

Thursday, April 18, 2008: State College: Photowalk

Today, Yana and I went for a walk with Brad around State College. We started at the corner of Beaver and Frasier and quickly ended up at Penn Skate to photograph some kids skating. Then it was on to old main and some nicotine addled squirrels.

We had a really great time. Lots of giggling for sure. And the boys at the skate shop were cute, yelling, "we are going to be famous" after getting their picture taken. They made me miss Tyler for sure.

After the walk, we ended at Zeno's. Thanks to Yana, I now know that they have Framboise Lambic on draft. The best faux beer for those like their beer to taste like jolly ranchers. Also, we finally got to talk to some of our fellow walkers. Everyone was really cool and very friendly. It was a great experience.

I'll post pictures after they are developed. Yes - developed! I took Troy's 35mm, as mine is still battery-less. I did not snap a single digital shot (although I will not stop short of stealing some of Yana's).

On the way home, Yana wondered why we had never done it before and I thought the same thing. It's such a good exercise for actually 'seeing' instead of 'looking' as Mr. Murphy, one of my teachers from college would say. And loudly.

After the walk, we went to Troy's garage to meet up with Troy and Allen. They worked as much as I thought they would, and the garage was not ablaze, so I thought was a win-win. We ate not healthy food and talked about life and work and dead parents. So good.

Really, just a great, good day. I've been having a lot of those lately.

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