Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Day92 - Mmmmmm. Brownies.

Tuesday, April 2, 2008: Dairy Queen: Roof Top Brownie Blizzard.

Today was a bit of a bad day. I made a vow to myself to be as nice to myself as humanly possible and that entailed eating tons of bad food including this blizzard.

If I fell and rolled down the street in front of my house I would literally roll into the front door of the DQ. It is hard to bypass this joint, especially in the summer when I get a crazy craving for a cherry dipped cone. I think I just drooled a little on my keyboard there.

I got this sucker. It is a brownie blizzard and has all kinds of stuff floating in it: brownie, chocolate, peanuts. It's a mess of loveliness.


If you like chocolate even a little - go for it. So yummy…

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