Troy and I drug our old, tired bodies from the cave which is our house and skipped on down to the Brewery to see Jerm play. He is our own personal Phil Collins, drumming and singing in Mr. Grove.
They are great, and although I had to fight quite the crowd to reach the stage, they did rock our socks off. I can't gush too much because I refuse to give Jerm a big ego. Well… bigger than it is now.
You should see Mr. Grove now and often.
The Warmingtons also rocked. I'm changing Luke's name to Luke Warmington after seeing them, actually.
Maybe we can change Toofy's name to Toofy Von Grove?
Troy almost fell asleep twice. He was up for around 20 hours by now and a little sleepy.
I enjoy guys drumming on little drum sets.
The Grove in technicolor.
So, good day and good night.
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