Friday, January 11, 2008

Day11 - This cilantro kicks harder than I do.

Friday, Jan. 11, 2008: My kitchen: Chicken roulette with cilantro lime pesto

I know, cilantro lime pesto sounds complicated and fancy. It's not - it only is interesting in the amount of heartburn that it gives.

Troy's mom gave him a few books on diabetes last year because his doctor told him that his blood work had signs that he may be in the beginning stages of the disease. She gave us this books because she was probably totally freaked out that her son would loose a foot or something crazy like that. 

It wasn't until I thought about Troy's doc appt, keeping in my mind that she is something of a quack, that it occurred to me that the night before Troy's blood work, he ate something completely shitty… like a bag of m&m's or a pie or something. And I'm sure that his doctor, being the quack that she is, probably never thought to ask him what he had the night before to eat or that he probably shouldn't eat his weight in calories. And this is because she sucks quite a bit.

Next blood test, his shit was in order and he has no signs of diabetes. I don't think he would want to live in a world where he couldn't cram fistfulls of chocolate coffee beans down his throat. 

Back to the task at hand: I got this recipe from that book. I figure, who knows how to diet better than a diabetic.


It was really easy to make and I got to use the new meat tenderizer that I got at IKEA on New Years. Wow, is that thing sharp looking. Leave it to IKEA to make something so innocuous gorgeous.

The main part of this is Cilantro…which I'm not a fan of. The only redeeming feature is that it's smell reminds me of MadMex.

I dumped some garlic, onion, cilantro and jalapeno into a food processor. Spread it onto a chicken breast and roll. Fry in some oil, browning on all sides for 10-15 minutes. Top with small amount of cheese. That's it. 279 calories each.

I served it with Yana's recipe for broccoli. It was great Yana! Broccoli tossed with lemon, butter, sea salt (I used Kosher) and pepper.

As for the rating, I would give it a 3/5. The cilantro was overwhelming I think and I still have indigestion. Ew. I would exchange the cilantro for spinach and skip the peppers. I think this recipe could be salvaged if we has some sort of cheesy queso dip, but alas, that is not the case for the chubbies.

End note: if you think that healthy food must be bland, you need look no further than this recipe to kick your ass.

** I burned my knuckle making this for the second time in 2 days. It won't be long before I cut off the end of a finger again or threaten a tendon. Keep my digits in your prayers.

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