Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Day12 - You say meow, it says MWROAR!

Saturday, Jan. 12, 2008: My Office: Mac upgrade to Leopard

I've been a Mac fan since I started college in 1997, but my earliest memories are using a Macintosh when I was a kid at my cousin Jen's house and playing a Winnie the Pooh game way back in the WAY back. Right now I have a Intel iMac, and next to Luke and the other critters, it is my baby and I love it so. It's probably not healthy, but I can't leave a day go by without fucking with it somehow.

This isn't my first upgrade, nor is it the first time I've gone solo, but Leopard somehow feels different. I'm  not sure if that's because this is the first BIG upgrade since college when we jumped from OS9 Classic to OSX. Who knows and who cares. 

Leopard is quite the advancement with tons of cool shit like advancements in iChat, Preview and Mac Mail. Well, that is only 3 of the 300 advancements.


This is pretty amazing. You can now search all of your documents in cover flow. It's pretty awesome for someone like me - in a visually based occupation.

So that's it. Nothing earth shattering - but this will deeply impact my life for the next week, month or year until I retrain myself. Old dog, new tricks, etc.…

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